Rake -> Command Range Question (3/12/2021 10:14:15 PM)
I've posted a similar question on The Blitz CS forum and haven't received a clear answer. I am playing a scenario with Command Control "On". It is set 1944 and, with the Optional Rule in play, the Germans have a modifier of 0.9. With a normal (50%) command range of 8 for a battalion, this means the modified range should be 7 hexes. However, in this scenario, every German battalion shows a command range of 5 hexes when the Command Range is highlighted (Hot Key "W"). Please understand that all ranges noted in this post refer to the range at which a unit has a 50% chance of maintaining supply through its HQ (Section 8.0 in the manual). Also, these numbers only reference the German side - with FoW, I won't check the Russians until scenario end. Taking this further, Regimental HQ's have a Command Range of 10 hexes in this scenario. Normal Regimental Range is 15, so the modified range should be 14 hexes. A Division has 20 hex range. Normal range is 30, so the modified range should be 27. It appears that there is another unseen modifier of approximately 0.75. This would work for all of these ranges if fractions round down. I have looked at the .scn file, but I'm not at all familiar with the numbers. I would assume any adjustment would be found in the pdt file, but again, I'm not familiar with how these work in JTCS. I'm far more familiar with the workings of other JT games, such as ACW and PzC. I've opened several random scenarios and found that, with the CC optional rule "On" the Command Ranges don't always match what they should be according to the modifiers for each year. This applies to both the Germans and the Russians. With the rule turned off, the ranges are as stated in the manual. Since I've found nothing further in the manual, my question boils down to this: Is there some way to adjust the 50% Command Range in one of the other files that the game uses? It doesn't make much of a difference to me, as I know it won't change until the time that EF III comes out... I'm mainly just curious why the numbers don't seem to work as they should (I'm an engineer; numbers should always work out [8D]). Rake out