ComadrejaKorp -> RE: Bug report - naval movement (3/14/2021 2:52:55 PM)
The movement of fleets is always possible even if they do not have supplies, only the lack of oil makes them unable to move (even so they can always sail to port). The 2 fleets you add to the fleet without supplies spend their two operation points and as a result you get a new fleet of 3 members but no movement points this turn. If you want to move the fleet without supplies, you have to move it before adding more fleets. Perhaps your complaint is that you would like not to be forced to move the fleet without supplies first, currently it works as I have explained, in previous versions there was a similar problem with the fleets that entered the port and used up the movement points of the fleets that were already there. Mr Alvaro fixed it, he may also be able to fix this minor bug as well.