[Duplicate] Df-26 still broken, kinda (Full Version)

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kritter -> [Duplicate] Df-26 still broken, kinda (3/18/2021 12:20:20 AM)

When I first had this problem nothing worked and I got the error you see now when you try to fire manually. When
the Russian ship fires the missile the GBI fire and if they miss the lasers will not fire even manually.
However if I take away the GBI and the 161E weapons from the ship the lasers will fire without error. There
must be some interaction between the weapons which makes the lasers error out. Weather any other weapon
fires at the incoming missile the lasers should fire at least manually. Also I noticed the 150kW laser DP has
been reduced to the same as the other lasers. Just doing the math in my head I believe the 150kW laser produces
more energy and thus damage points than say a 60kW laser. It should have more DP. Don't know why it was reduced.

kritter -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (3/25/2021 2:58:54 PM)

Any ideas, looks like there is some interaction between weapons here still?


Rain08 -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (3/26/2021 7:01:06 AM)

I loaded the scenario and it seems to be the same issue I've pointed out here:

It seems that it has something to do with the engagement logic itself, not the weapons.

Going back to your scenario setup, do the same missile launch again, except this time make the WRAs disable automatic fire or put WCS Air to Hold. Let the vampire approach the effective range of the laser system (10 nmi), then open the weapon allocation window. You should have the green light to use the laser against the vampire.

Now do it again with the same WRA/WCS setting and open the weapon allocation window while it's still away from the laser's effective range. The ABMs should have the greenlight, but don't shoot the vampire down. Wait again until the vampire is within the laser's effective range, you should have the message saying it's too late to intercept.

It's the same behavior you've described above.

kritter -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (4/14/2021 8:29:40 PM)

So I ran the above test on the latest software and there still is a problem. if the russian ship fires its missile
(DF-26D)at the US ship and the GBI misses the target the lasers can't target the incoming missile. However if I
disable the GBI and the Rim-161 from firing then it can target the missile. Something still seems to be a miss.

I tried several different methods to target the missile with lasers and could not get them to work even manually if
the GBI or Rim-161 fired.

Hope this helps. Also is there a reason the 150kW laser was reduced in DP?

kritter -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (4/19/2021 7:18:25 PM)

Any Ideas?

BDukes -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (4/19/2021 7:40:32 PM)

Just ran your original save on V20. The laser won't fire automatically but will manually. I've loosened up all ROE's so not sure what the issue is. Maybe its something I'm missing.


kritter -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (4/19/2021 8:51:50 PM)

If the missiles miss the laser will not fire or at the point of the start of the test with the missile inbound the laser has an error in the firing manually.

BDukes -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (4/19/2021 9:59:52 PM)


If the missiles miss the laser will not fire or at the point of the start of the test with the missile inbound the laser has an error in the firing manually.

Is this the error you're seeing?

I removed the GBI weapons's records from the Odin mounts in case that might of be causing an issue. It didn't have an impact. I removed the GBI's completely and the laser still didn't autofire but got the message in the screenshot below.


BDukes -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (4/19/2021 10:25:25 PM)

Yeah confirmed the issue.

Cleaned it up by not mixing records and mounts to simply but my results are as follows.

If I add the GBI's they'll miss due to overshoot similar to the issue linked below and the laser won't fire (any laser mount). Report as a= "No point in the target's estimated trajectory is within the weapon's engagement range" in the manual allocation window.


If I remove the GBI's completely the lasers will engage automatically.

So I think there might be 2 issues here.

The 150 kw laser isn't capable period. I'd research this and add an issue the db add string. Keep in mind its possible this was added to not be ABM capable.
If an ABM interception is going the laser never engages. This might be complicated by the SAM overshoot issue.



kritter -> RE: Df-26 still broken, kinda (4/20/2021 2:05:43 PM)

Yup that is the issue. The lasers have always been capable of shooting down anything in the air, which makes sense to me. But this error seems to be more complicated than I first thought.

Thanks for looking into it.

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