LargeDiameterBomb -> RE: WIP - Intermittent Emission (2/9/2022 3:16:44 PM)
I think this is an excellent idea. This would simply be great, one of the best things added to CMO for a long time. I'd like to add I am well versed with everything in the game except LUA which I just neever have gotten around to (No programming background, don't make many scenarios) and this would add an extreme amount of value for me. As I understand it this will apply to units and groups, not indivudual sensors. I would suggest that in the sensor screen (Ie that one that can be brought up by pressing F9) for a unit there would be an option for each EM sensor, the option having a name such as "Exclude from EMCON settings" (Or DEFCON, whatever go go with) or "Radiate only in combat" or or something like that. Toggling that option so the option is on would remove that sensor from the DEFCON/EMCON settings control and it would function just as sensors do now in CMO. In other words it is manually controlled but an Illuminator, or FCR I should say, turns on if it's needed to illuminate a target for an SARH missile but otherwise it stays silent. This way you could, for ships primarily, avoid radiating with unique radars or unique combinations of radars that gives opposing side a chance to classify/identify that vessel. That's my only "hard" wish as an addition to this great idea and I assume - although as I said I am not a programmer - that this idea would not be too hard to implement ;-) I'd might also think about making this optional for scenarios, in the same way realistic sub communications is optional, as someobody else mentioned - but perhaps only the "Exclude from EMCON settings" part to avoid giving opposing sides a chance of classyfying your ships. I appreciate the comments about making high readiness only available for a part of each 24-hour period or so, but I think this idea is so great that I see no reason to delay implementation for too long. So the same goes for my idea about "Radiate only in combat" if that is complicated to add. This great idea could be expanded on further down the line but getting access to it quite fast would be really nice. Thanks for all the time you guys take to make CMO a little, or sometimes much (in this case), better with each release.