Players still here? (Full Version)

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kirkoa -> Players still here? (3/21/2021 12:29:38 PM)

I have been playing some of the scenarios from Avalon Hill's War and Peace, and am looking into purchasing a Strategic Napoleonic War game for the computer. Matrix has this one, the one by Aneod and another one. I have heard of this board game, and was wondering if this is a good game for the computer, and are there players here who would play online?


pzgndr -> RE: Players still here? (3/21/2021 5:53:53 PM)

Of course! Seriously, EIA was a well-established boardgame with lots of players. This computer version is fairly faithful but has been plagued by bugs and other issues over the years. I have spent the past 4-5 years helping to improve things and the v1.23.08 patch is nearing completion for the next official update. If you're looking for a good grand-strategy Napoleonic game, EIA is very good. There are still players here and a few PBEM games ongoing. I am hopeful that the next patch may attract old players back to try again and re-energize the community here.

Cirfindil -> RE: Players still here? (6/10/2021 3:37:35 PM)

Hey Bill!

I was considering purchasing EinA, however I'll admit some concern after reading the forums. Shelling out $40 for another product which has been "plagued by bugs" doesn't seem like a wise investment, no matter how much I love the table top version. Does the hotseat version work ok?

pzgndr -> RE: Players still here? (6/10/2021 4:06:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cirfindil
"plagued by bugs"

A desire to resolve most of those nagging bugs, make some game enhancements, and improve the AI computer opponent was what prompted me to take on continued code development several years ago. The v1.23.08 update that I am wrapping up for official release (soon) will go a long way to bringing this computer adaptation of a very complex boardgame closer to reality. I try.

There are PBEM games ongoing, hotseat is an option, and solitaire against the AI computer opponents is much more challenging than it used to be 10 years ago. It is still a work in progress, still not perfect but much much better. If you're reluctant to make a purchase now, just wait for another Matrix sale. I think EIA was down to $19 at one point.

Cirfindil -> RE: Players still here? (6/10/2021 7:48:51 PM)

Ok thank you for the reply! That's dedication! Is there a need for beta testers? I helped bet CoG years ago. I've been getting the itch to start a Grand Campaign in the Emperor's Edition and thought about EinA instead. I'll keep an eye out thanks again!

pzgndr -> RE: Players still here? (6/12/2021 7:33:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cirfindil
Ok thank you for the reply! That's dedication! Is there a need for beta testers?

Thanks. At this point, I just posted Hotfix #4 and we're really close to getting the v1.23.08 update wrapped up and released as an official patch. Once that's out and stable with no surprises, Matrix is going to re-master the installer for this new version. Then players will have the latest installer features and be able to make a single comprehensive installation to v1.23.08 without the hassles we've had to deal with related to the original installer from years ago.

Once folks get to play v1.23.08 with its many bug fixes and other improvements, there are two items that should attract players back. First, the AI computer opponent is much better. Not brilliant, but much improved and a tougher challenge. Second, PBEM is much improved plus the option for having AI computer opponent players is now functioning. So smaller playgroups of less than 7 people are possible, which speeds up PBEM games. Anyways, once players start playing again, we can take stock of where we are and where we want to go next.

trw2264 -> RE: Players still here? (10/13/2021 1:19:36 AM)

With bugs being fixed and PBEM being improved are there and Discord/Groups/Forums to find opponents? At least currently, this forum does not have much activity atm.

Michael T -> RE: Players still here? (10/13/2021 11:22:25 PM)

I doubt that there would be any discord or FB groups for this game as it has been a load of rubbish for so long. Hopefully this new lease of life will bring on some interest. All thanks to Bill. I intend to monitor this forum and play the new remastered version. Perhaps begin a PBEM eventually. But all my old EIA playmates have long since departed the scene.

Maple Leaf -> RE: Players still here? (10/15/2021 10:12:34 AM)

As a matter of fact our pbem group has been using Discord for the past year. It works really well as the main turn file storage location as well as a channel for all those important yet confidental diplomacy discussions that make this such a great game!
As a long time pbem player and game host, I highly recommend pbem play as much more interesting and entertaining than playing against the computer. For those of us that loved the original board game, this is the next best thing.

trw2264 -> RE: Players still here? (10/15/2021 1:54:42 PM)

Based upon a post by pzgndr I found and joined the Hopefully, this post and joining the group will lead to getting a game going. If anybody is interested please pm me.


Michael T -> RE: Players still here? (10/16/2021 7:49:07 AM)

Well I am surprised and heartened. But the PBEM system is still beyond my PC skills. If they ever get a cleaner method or use a Server to automate it I will give it a go. I recall many wasted hours and total frustration back in the day and I have no inclination to tread that path again. When Erik said, I quote "the games multiplayer mode has been updated to the smooth PBEM experience you've come to expect from more modern boardgame titles", I fully expected a server based PBEM, cos thats what a modern, smooth PBEM is. The PBEM system is still the rather complex and error prone method of the original. Anyway good luck. I will monitor the forum anyhow and see how things go.

pzgndr -> RE: Players still here? (10/16/2021 4:50:02 PM)


But the PBEM system is still beyond my PC skills.

What, the file zipping part or the file unzipping part? There is a little bit of manual effort involved, but it's not rocket science. You might check with Maple Leaf and join one of the PBEM games using the Discord server to exchange PBEM files. He was using but changed to Discord at some point since I was in a PBEM game. Try it, and judge for yourself. I thought it was fine. Others are playing PBEM games. It works.

If the expectation is for the game engine itself to simply connect with the Matrix server and automatically exchange files for the player, well, then that is still beyond my (unpaid) PC code development skills. Sorry. And my experience monitoring Steve (who knows what he's doing) trying to get NetPlay to work for World in Flames over that past several YEARS has not inspired me to open a can of worms. Matrix Games doesn't do any of this, like "Here! Just plug this C++ module into your code and you're done." Sorry again. It don't happen that way IRL.

Seriously, it would be nice to see some genuine feedback from veteran players regarding how the current version is actually playing and share some constructive comments for future (unpaid) enhancements. Whining about how bad it used to be a decade ago and complaining about features that are not part of the game provides no helpful information for new players. But hey, same old Empires in Arguments stuff. Oh well. I've started my v1.24.00 build and I'm moving forward.

trw2264 -> RE: Players still here? (10/16/2021 6:22:06 PM)

A little manual effort will not deter me from trying a game or 2, nor anybody else really IMO if someone really wants to play!

Michael T -> RE: Players still here? (10/16/2021 8:15:54 PM)

So Matrix make a big announcement about some great new PBEM feature. Turns out its the same old junk. So now I am to blame for pointing out how the announced improvement is not all that different from the original. Are you kidding me?

Moving on and out of here.

pzgndr -> RE: Players still here? (10/16/2021 9:15:34 PM)


So Matrix make a big announcement about some great new PBEM feature. Turns out its the same old junk. So now I am to blame for pointing out how the announced improvement is not all that different from the original. Are you kidding me?
Moving on and out of here.

No, the announcement did not say anything about any new PBEM feature. "Updated to the smooth" is not at all the same thing as "Updated to something completely new and different." The only one blaming you for any misunderstanding is you. The old "junk" has in fact been improved to now work more smoothly as intended, not differently, as announced.

Again, any radical redesign of the original game engine was never my personal intent as a part-time hobby effort to improve this game. It is an unrealistic expectation to think this game is going to be magically redesigned without significant time and effort. Maybe in another 10 years you might maybe get a new game release to play. It's just a game. Sorry. Bye. [8|]

Michael T -> RE: Players still here? (10/16/2021 9:43:33 PM)

No worries, after all it's the age of misinformation.

Elim -> RE: Players still here? (11/28/2021 3:58:22 PM)

I am ready to play. My discord is Elim#1536.

pzgndr -> RE: Players still here? (11/30/2021 2:33:05 PM)


I am ready to play. My discord is Elim#1536.

See Looking for pbem players and contact Maple Leaf.

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