Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (Full Version)

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rastacam -> Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 2:30:55 PM)

Vic, please consider increasing the "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence, so it can't be totally neglected and used as a tool to save money without consequences. Especially on the first turn.

Right now it can't be easily turned off (for every zone) and ignored for a whole duration of a game.

Nexira -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 3:20:40 PM)

recruit sign up bonus is used when you are under paying your troops. The though process is if you have them hired for 16 months, turns 0.015c once is better than 0.001c per month. And we generally have our recruits for longer than 16 turns.

BlueTemplar -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 3:37:14 PM)

I wouldn't call it "saving" money, since I don't see why you would set it to be larger than 0 in the first place ? (Because it's larger than 0 by default ?)

And considering that the recruits are taken from your SHQ, I assume that this bonus doesn't have any other effect besides giving you even more of them per round ?
(Which is *already* generally more than you need if you keep at it every round... unless if you have a very low Loyalty I guess ?)

But maybe that's because I generally pay my troops - maybe if I kept their salary at the default 0, then I might have recruit shortages even if I maxed out the sliders ? (Like I generally do.)

zgrssd -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 4:11:00 PM)

I can have both the Signup Bonus and Soldier Pay at 0 and still never had issues recruiting the 500 people/turn from a Loyalty ~100 City.

rastacam -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 4:15:48 PM)

Recruits are a population that enlisted. I guess zero Recruit sign-up bonus should affect the willingness of your population to enlist more than it is now. Right now you can set it to zero and forget about it in most of your games.

From manual ( RecruItment of recruits
Ideally you can recruit up to 5% of the Population per turn. However, this percentage is modified for:
Population Loyalty (counts a lot!)
The Fist Regime Profile
Difference between Private Credit earnings and Recruit sign-up bonus
Possible Recruitment Penalty caused by Events
Recruitment Penalty goes down by 10% every round.
If your Populace is suffering casualties from Exposure, expect it to be a lot easier to recruit Colonists or Military Recruits. People will actually want to get out of the Zone!

BlueTemplar -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 6:59:30 PM)

500/round is not *that* much in some situations... and as you said, you have ~100% Loyalty.

Wait, so Recruit salary is not even a factor ??

(Also, there's an Interior Policies stratagem : "Volunteer Drive" (min 20 PPs, not sure about "BPs") that allows you to instantly draft 1%-16% of that zone's populace.)

rastacam -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 8:44:44 PM)

If we set a high worker salary and zero recruitment bonus don't you think that our population should at least consider that it is not a great choice to go fight some aliens/mutants/etc. and better to become workers or just stay home?
Even 1% of the zone's population per turn is a lot in real-life terms, I'm not even talking about 5%. A recruitment bonus should affect the willingness of our people to enlist more than it is now, not letting some too self-confident ruler set it to zero (while soldiers' salary is also zero) and still enjoy a volunteer abundance.

Vic, why did you put it in the game in the long run? Please consider tweaking.

Twotribes -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 9:01:08 PM)

I always change the bonus from 15 to 5 in every game I play.

BlueTemplar -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 9:30:34 PM)

Right, maybe worker bonus should count *too*, *as well as* private job remuneration *and* recruit salary (and recruit bonus), since recruits are *also* taken from workers, and not just the population ?

zgrssd -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 10:08:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: BlueTemplar

Right, maybe worker bonus should count *too*, *as well as* private job remuneration *and* recruit salary (and recruit bonus), since recruits are *also* taken from workers, and not just the population ?

Not nessesary, as the Private Salary will tell you the whole story just by looking at it [:)]

If private Salary is low (1 or 2 miliCredits), there are less private jobs then there are population. So there are unemployed people that would take any job - even in the army.
If private Salary is high (5-7 miliCredits), there is a accute shortage of people for private economy recruitment. Wich has impacts on Worker and Military recruitment already.

If private wages are high(er), people do not want to join your Worker or Military force.

BlueTemplar -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 10:46:39 PM)

My point is that I *also* get people taken from workers (not just from population) to go to recruits, so it's the *worker salary* that should be considered for *these* people ?

(Though it's kind of funny the way the workers are taken : they are *still* working their jobs that round, so the Workers tab always indicates a shortage of workers compared to jobs equal to the recruits taken from workers, while no shortage of workers actually happens when you check the assets !)


And I'm pretty sure that when Population Income per Capita is higher than Soldier Salary (and with the signup bonus at 0), you're going to still get recruits ?

(Since supposedly from the manual, Soldier Salary doesn't even matter !!)

And the manual is probably wrong about this ?

Difference between Private Credit earnings and Recruit sign-up bonus

It's the difference between Population Income per Capita (or Worker Salary) and Soldier Salary that should matter first, then the signup bonus too ?

BlueTemplar -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 11:11:00 PM)

Last but not least : has anyone checked what happens with the Recruits and Colonists sign-up bonii afterwards ?

I'm suspecting that -
(unlike salaries, which you get to keep in the private economy, and some of which you immediately get back via Service Tax and Income Tax)
- they might be destroyed instead ?

Which would make bonii credits "worth more" than salary credits.

zgrssd -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/21/2021 11:30:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: BlueTemplar

Last but not least : has anyone checked what happens with the Recruits and Colonists sign-up bonii afterwards ?

I'm suspecting that -
(unlike salaries, which you get to keep in the private economy, and some of which you immediately get back via Service Tax and Income Tax)
- they might be destroyed instead ?

Which would make bonii credits "worth more" than salary credits.

According to the manual, those are all treated as one and the same.
" salarIes sPendInG In the PrIvate eConomy
Workers usually receive a salary. Since they are already “fed” by you as a basic payment, they’ll spend their salary in the Private Economy. The same goes for your Soldiers, Recruitment Bonuses of Workers and Colonists and your Leader salaries.Note that Workers and Soldiers will spend in the Zone they are present in, though both will spend (partly) elsewhere if not enough Population in Zone. In the latter case, we’ll assume Traders will help out bridge the distance.Note that Leaders will spend their salaries throughout the Regime and thus in multiple Zones, as they are presumed to have many dispersed interests and hidden endeavours.If a Corporation is active in your Regime, they’ll also spend their Credits in the Private Economy, just like the salaries are spent."

Note that the Trade Houses by order of Vic deal with making sure the amount of money in the world does not grow to big or small:
" monetary Constant
The Traders also play a role in keeping total Credits in the system close to the Monetary Constant. Once too many Credits enter the system compared to total planetary Populace, the Traders will start putting part of their Credits in Trader Treasures (and thus taking those Credits out of circulation). Furthermore, they’ll start decreasing the price they are willing to buy Items for.When too few Credits remain in the system, the Traders will start scavenging their Trader Treasures (and thus putting more Credits in circulation)."

BlueTemplar -> RE: Increase "Recruits sign-up bonus" influence on actual recruits numbers (3/22/2021 9:14:22 AM)

Aaand, once again I should have checked the manual before typing... [sm=00000030.gif]

Still, it's getting harder and harder for me to blindly trust the manual :
notice how it mixes up Workers and Recruits ?
Workers don't have Recruitment Bonuses, it's Recruits that do !

I assume that unused recruits and colonists in the SHQ will spend in the zone where the SHQ is ?

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