ncc1701e -> RE: How to ruin the game? (4/1/2021 7:14:37 PM)
ORIGINAL: ComadrejaKorp After the tests carried out against Hadros, Stjeand and NCC I think the biggest problem as indicated by NCC and now Hadros is that the Corps and armored units break very easily. The casualties may be bearable for the Axis but the loss of units is irreplaceable. Of the proposed solutions, the one I like the most is to delay Allies technology, this would force to invest in escorts without delay and would make the fall of France easier, the All-in strategy would be a suicide. What happens when there is no all-in strategy is that the surplus troops are sent to the Middle East, this in part would also be solved. IMHO a possible easy solution would be to not let the Allied troops upgrade until the fall of France. It's that simple, without making any more changes. I'm also concerned about how easy it is for tanks and Corps to break now due to the latest change: ´´ Losses have also been mitigated by 10% in the latest patch. So 10% of all land combat losses are reverted to effectiveness losses.´´ Or as I said reduce the number of labs for UK and for France. Oblige them to concentrate on something at the cost of another technology. We can perfectly divide the UK labs by two and add labs to UK two turns after each country surrender (Poland, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Yugoslavia, ...). Simulating scientists fleeing to UK...