RE: I got this crazy notion to play "The Longest Day" (Full Version)

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Hanny -> RE: I got this crazy notion to play "The Longest Day" (3/24/2021 2:39:30 PM)



The rules are now on-line so I downloaded Vassal and the Longest Day module.

Now just starting the June 7th turn. June 6th went reasonably historical.

I went totally overboard and also down loaded the modules for "Battle for Normandy - Cobra - Atlantic Wall - Normandy 44.
I have ordered Cobra and Battle for Normandy expansion so I should have all I need to play them. Rules for Atlantic Wall are on-line. Normandy 44 is a no go, too short a game.

Might be of use to check the game out over at board game geek in case it anything of interest.

AndySfromVA -> RE: I got this crazy notion to play "The Longest Day" (3/26/2021 12:11:35 AM)

The 1962 film is still my favorite war movie.

Bo Rearguard -> RE: I got this crazy notion to play "The Longest Day" (3/26/2021 12:26:36 AM)



It's a pretty darn good flick - Have they ever done any other movie with that many movie stars in it?

I think A Bridge Too Far was comparable as far as war movies go. Also based on a book by Cornelius Ryan. I seem to recall that was the first movie I ever saw Anthony Hopkins in.

MrsWargamer -> RE: I got this crazy notion to play "The Longest Day" (3/26/2021 1:03:39 AM)

A Bridge Too Far and The Longest Day, both by Cornelius Ryan. A shame the third book was not done. The Last Battle, about the Bulge.

I once, after a LOT of research, I mean a LOT of research, went the effort to simulate the exact D-Day losses for each beach done to the individual landing box. And depicted all the unit end points on the close of Day 1. it took me a LOT of effort.

But as anyone that has ever set up the game, after that many hours of effort, you want to at least have the same D+1 chances as they had in history. Because you have already been forced to land where they actually did all based on chance. Those landing boxes were not entirely what they had planned. The game is random enough already. I have no burning desire to simumlate D-Day in this design. D=! is fine :)

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