InHarmsWay -> India option - Scen 2 stock (3/25/2021 3:25:01 AM)
All, I have a quick question for play in the Scen 2 Stock scenario. After a long hiatus from AE, my long time nemesis opponent (Andav) has sucked me back in and offered me the Japanese... It is mid June '42. I am considering invading India. My esteemed opponent already may have an inkling, but no idea where (well maybe as he uses intel monkey - curse you witpqs...[;)]). I have taken Celyon and am at the India/Burma border. If I decide to land on mainland India (I "may" have excess divisions being it is Scenario 2), will I activate "emergency units" like Australia, or otherwise free up Allied units if I decide to land anywhere?? And yes, Andav you can read this thread as well.... good for all of us to know the options, even though you are beating me like a rented mule... Thank you in advance for any information! Also should I even consider India at this late date. We have had a clash in the Indian ocean, and it is mostly a Japanese lake.