pzgndr -> RE: Cannot conquer the Papacy (3/26/2021 5:20:53 PM)
Alright, here is what I have found. There is the check_for_freestate_control function to assign temporary control of a DOW'd neutral minor to a Major Power. There is also the nation_check_for_lapses_of_war function to convert control to the Major Power, repatriate forces as applicable, etc., if there is a lapse of war. However, for lapses of war the nation_inherit_wars function is called and this is what formally sets the minor at war with anyone else at war with the controlling Major Power, and this is NOT called during the check_for_freestate_control function. So bottom line is that a DOW against a minor is limited to the Major Power that declared war until the minor is conquered (in which case the conquering MP gains full control) OR until there is a lapse of war (in which case the 'controlling' MP gains full control and the minor inherits all wars). I'm assuming that you as France never actually declared war on neutral Papacy so all you could do was move into it as a neutral and not perform any war functions. That's probably the issue here; not a bug. If anything, the box showing a neutral minor at war with you is probably a bug and I'll take a look at that. However, Spain had DOW'd Papacy and there was a lapse of war since you kicked Spain out, so Great Britain should have gained full control and Papacy should have inherited being at war with France. Did you wait a full turn to see a lapse of war or might that be the case? Another thing I discovered the hard way is that you may be allied with a MP 'controlling' a minor, but you cannot enter the minor to fight a mutual enemy unless you have access. This happened while I was playing Austria allied with Turkey, France had DOW'd Bavaria, and I was all set to attack France in Bavaria but (surprise!) could not move in. So lesson learned in all this is that there is a big difference between a MP having 'acting control' of a minor and having 'full control' of a minor. Clear as mud? Hope this helps.