stockwellpete -> Italian declaration of war in 1915 . . . (3/29/2021 9:47:17 AM)
I am just separating this out because it is something I feel might be improved upon in the game. In the game Italy usually declares war on the Central Powers around May 1915, when actually it only declared war on Austria-Hungary at that time in real life. It subsequently declared war on Ottoman Turkey in August 1915, and on Germany in August 1916 (after its ally Romania had joined the Entente). I think this declaring war on all the Central Powers at once arrangement is very distorting of what I understand about Italian participation in 1915. Basically the country was in dire financial straits, the army was poorly equipped and disorganised, and most of Italy's ruling elite (except for the king) were against further military adventures so soon after their war with Ottoman Turkey. Yet, in the game, Italy rapidly mobilises at least 10 Corps in northern Italy and can quickly overwhelm the Austro-Hungarian defenders at Trento and on the Isonzo unless they are supported by German units. I have read some comments from players who play mostly MP who say that Italy is very weak at the start, but I assume that this is because German units are sent to fight them in 1915. What I would like to do is slow this initial Italian mobilisation down (in 1915) a bit and I would like to change the 3 Detachments that Austria-Hungary gets when it rejects Italian demands for Trento and Trieste to something a bit stronger - maybe 1x Mountain Corps (Klagenfurt), 1x Infantry Corps (Trento) and 1x Detachment (Trieste). I am not sure how to do these two things. I can see 3 Scripts that say A-H deploys garrisons on its borders with Italy. Is it possible to change those scripts to give A-H stronger units in two of the locations? How do I reduce the starting strength points of some of the Italian Infantry Corps when they join the war to simulate a longer mobilisation period? Apart from this, there is the whole diplomatic question of how Italy behaves when joining the Entente. Ideally, it should just declare war on Austro-Hungary first and only later on declare war on Ottoman Turkey and Germany (linked to Romanian entrance into the war). Maybe these need to be separate DE's? Of course, there is a possibility that Italian units come into close proximity with German units before any such new DE could fire. The mostly likely location for this is the Tyrol, I guess (I think we can assume that any German subs sent to Pola will be operating with A-H markings). I don't know what is possible with the game engine to trigger an earlier declaration of war - if, say, Italian and German units come within 2 hexes of each other? Another issue is what if French/UK units are sent to help Italy? Would this make Germany declare war on Italy before 1916? So there are quite a few issues here. I would be interested to hear from anyone who thinks this might be usefully modded at some stage.