loki100 -> RE: Combined WITW and WITE2 (3/29/2021 11:47:45 AM)
no one really knows. The original WiTE2 codebase was WiTW and for a couple of years the 2 were kept in parallel (so WiTW got new .exe etc). Then the decision was made to redesign the combat engine in #2 from the bottom up and the code base was split (as it wasn't feasible to test the results vs WiTW) and that also made it easier to create solutions specifically to model the Soviet-German conflict. So what we have is 2 different codes, admittedly not as far apart as WiTE1 to 2 but still you couldn't just put them together. There are a whole load of concepts in #2 that are not in WiTW, some would require little more than an OOB overhaul (the AOG concept is implicit in WiTW as an eg), others more profound. In addition, somehow an AI needs to be built that can handle the entire thing and the concept of a 3 faction war introduced (& I suspect that is a big one given some core parts to the game design). There is a whole load more, such as integrating the VP systems (esp as the VP model is central to both games but keys off very different criteria). On the other hand, the OOBs exist, as long as it keeps to the current WiTW start date, you can use the naval war abstractions. There are 2 campaign dates in both games that allow some sort of match, Stal-Berlin to the 1943 GC and the Vistula-Berlin to the 1945 GC (which actually starts with the Ardennes option). It would be feasible to generate a non-AI scenario using the WiTE exe and some sort of fixed units or the Theatre Box release model to bring them together. Feasible is a long way from easy but I think its a doable project. The best place to start would be the 1945 campaigns just to test the process and what happens when you have to treat the Western Allies as a national group within the Soviet Union (the solution to that one lurks in the exe). So take from that what you will, in the end I don't think its a modder project but you could jury rig up something that might work HtH