RE: Planning map and history (Full Version)

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goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (8/15/2021 7:59:20 PM)

Road to Leningrad.
Onto Generals mod.
Schlüsselburg reached 8 sept.
First game attack over Newa 14 sept.
Hex 196-102. 42 Tank div and 2 other units hold.
Next attack in the picture. Into hex 195-102. 102 Inf div and 2 other units hold
with help from 25 Cd in hex 194-101 and 16 Inf div in hex 195-101.
Historical frontline turn 15 on 28 sept.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (8/26/2021 10:56:06 AM)

Road to Leningrad. Ai-Ai.
Turn 3. 6 july-41.
Game advance compared to historical.
Quite historical if judging.
Occupation dates.
Purple lines = 29-6
Red dots = 30-6
Yellow dots = 6-7
Black squares supply existing and future.
Lat. Long. lines.
Units with identification and type (colour).
Square to the left shows if moved, partially moved or not possible to move.
Map onto Generals mod.
Map names changed to that of german war maps. (not completly)
German type of airfield signs.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (8/28/2021 10:27:31 PM)

Axis turn 2
29-6. Here in princip the Bialystok pocket.
Historical line (purple)
German Lagekarte nachmittags 28-6
and dots line 30-6.
Occcupation dates.
Long. and Lat.
Game airfields with german signs.
Unit numbers and colour type coded.
Compare with another map in post 1491.
Here onto Generals mod.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (9/3/2021 10:01:10 AM)

If all water obstacles were to be on the map.
Onto generals map mod.
You understand the importance of bridges and bridge building.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (9/8/2021 4:38:42 PM)

Vistula to Berlin scenario.
A very interesting one.
Ai-Ai play. Onto generals map mod.
Here are screen pictures from turn 6-7 and 8.
that is 17 feb, 24 feb, up to march 3 -1945.
Interesting to compare with history.
Bromberg taken earlier in game and history.
Posen isolated "Festung" 17 feb
( in history capitulated 23 feb. In game turn 7- 24 feb.
Breslau Befestigung in game turn 7 -24 feb and isolated in game turn 8.
Capitulated in history 6 may.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (9/15/2021 5:10:23 PM)

Again Road to Leningrad. Compare with post 10.
Ai-Ai. Latest version. Up to turn 17. -12-oct.
Game frontline as before reasonable historical.
Mostly along Newa and Oranienburg stronghold.
Historical frontlines turn 15 and 20.
Onto generals map mod. Occupation dates.
Long. Lat. German airfield marks.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (10/5/2021 10:21:33 PM)

Looked at the interesting scenario Vistula to Berlin from a simulation point of view.
So Ai-Ai. From start to Turn 14 when it said small victory for soviet forces. 20 turns possible.
In first picture turn 13 first attack on north-west Berlin from north.3 units attacking.
After many battles still defending axis unit in the hex.
Second picture; first attack on north-east Berlin from north and east. Initially 4 units.Fortress city.
Again many battles and finally retreating/routed german unit.
Third picture; south Berlin attacked where OKH and another unit are located.Initially 6 units attacking..
OKH moves later to Genthin where also a SS unit is located.
In picture 4; turn 14 from axis view is showing.
Historically Berlin falls 2-May. Around turn 13 the soviet forces were in the Oder area.
(Sorry for naming Havel river Hawel)( R-ZUG = Rückzug = Retreat ( White square above if routed)


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (10/10/2021 9:42:48 AM)

Airfields of importence feb.-42.
German Fliegeratlas. Type and number.
Onto game map.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (10/10/2021 2:53:04 PM)

Ai-Ai 41-Scenario.
Turn 7 3-aug. First attack on Kiew.
Angriff= attacking hex. Flag= battle hex.
Occupation dates. German airfield signs. Squares = battle delays.
Units type and grade coloured. Frontlines turn 5 and 10.
Game in front of history as can be seen.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (11/5/2021 3:05:21 PM)

Fighting air groups AG Mitte june-dec-41.Part of a map.
With dates its the historical groups with movement and place.
Game groups
yellow box -game 22-6
white box turn 5 20-7
green box turn 10 24-8
blue box turn 15 28-9
pink box turn 20 2-11
light brown turn 25 7-12
Its possible to compare historical and game advance
and localisations.
Some army frontlines and occupation dates


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (11/9/2021 12:24:47 PM)

Some projects are and some not. Here typical nostalgia.
Of course WitE-2 (onto Generals mod) but then Road to Moscow and
an idea about hex side rivers in TOAW.
Road to Moscow was too ambitious for its time.
Here part of startmap 22-6 and from start of op typhon.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (11/12/2021 5:58:12 PM)

Op. Taiphon.
Ai-Ai. Turn 6 4-dec-41.
Game frontline and historical ones from 2-nov and 6-dec.
Occupation dates, OOB, Long. Lat and german airfield marks.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (11/24/2021 9:44:14 AM)

Air war 1941. Historical air main movements and those in game -41 scenario.

Found some possible errors in the historical set on 22-6.
Therefore avoiding to show this research. Will rework it,
but its also obvious that the aspect of simulation and history seems to be regarded as a bit off topic.

goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (12/2/2021 9:43:39 PM)

Again turn 2 at 29 june. Bialystok pocket.
Onto a "paper map". Base Generals mod.
Game and historical lines. Occupation dates Lat. Long.
German airfield symbols. OOB and fortifications.
Colour coded units on both sides.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (12/5/2021 9:37:59 PM)

22-6-41. Axis and Soviet OOB.Some future frontlines.
Onto "Paper or textil map mod". Base original Generals mod.
Occupation dates.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (12/8/2021 6:41:43 PM)

Last units in the Bialystok pocket. Ai against Ai. 41-scenario.
2 Maps. To the left turn 4, 13-july. To the right turn 5, 20-july.

13-july units around Bialystok;
7-tank soviet division and 6 antitank brigade
and southwest of Baranowitschi 43- and 121 infantry divisions.
20-july just 121 infantry division left in the same late area.
Interestingly haunted by the 1st Rumania fortress infantry brigade.
Some occupation dates and frontlines at 27-june (blue) and 6-july (red).


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (12/11/2021 8:55:28 PM)

Latest 41-scenario. Situation at turn 15 28-sept.
Game frontline and historical one.
Historical frontlines also turn 10 and 20.
Game air movements turn 10-15-20.( not latest version).
Game OOB. Occupation dates. Lat. Long. Nord-Mitte-Süd borders.
German map airfield signs.Evaluation possible.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (12/18/2021 6:17:43 PM)

- 41 scenario. Ai against Ai. Turn 10 at 24 aug.
South of Leningrad. Ongoing attack NE Nowgorod.
ANGRIFF = attack and inf. unit 2/58 has a yellow border.
Retreating unit is 220 inf div. (R-ZUG).Also a yellow border.
Compare game and historical border.Game air units
near Luga. As historical mainly JG 54.You can see which units have movement left, occupation dates and 30 Long. and 60 Lat.
German airfield signs. Units type coloured.See Moscow "OberKommando"
just north Narwa.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (1/14/2022 2:25:10 PM)

Another simulation view. Ai-Ai.
Vistula-Weichsel scenario. Turn 8 3-10 march-45-
Quite historical in the Oder line. Breslau in german hand. Historically it was surrounded.
Map showing a first attack across Oder south of the town Frankfurt an der Oder. 4 Gds (Angriff hex)attacking 281 inf div..(Schlacht hex).
Many routed german units pushed back across Oder. (with R)
units type coloured. German airfield signs.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (1/20/2022 12:40:55 PM)

Air war -41. German fighting groups.
Geographical location.
Real history location when dates.
Onto a "textile" game map.
Original generals map.
occupation dates in red.
German airfield map signs.
German war map naming.
WitE-2 groups.
yellow turn 1 22-6
white turn 5 20-7
green turn 10 24-8
blue turn 15 28-9
pink turn 20 2-11
brown turn 25 7-12

goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (1/21/2022 8:50:00 PM)

Weichsel to Berlin scenario.
Ai-ai simulation.
Ended in Turn 14.Thats 14 april.
In Samland peninsula.
Germany holds Pillau.3 units.
In history " Festung Pillau" capitulated 25 april. Festung Königsberg 14 april. In game Berlin taken and Kurland pocket gone.


goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (1/24/2022 8:46:46 PM)

From a simulation pont of view.
Ai-Ai. 41-scenario. Latest version.Turn 20. 2-nov.
Green line historical front.
German air fighting groups historical location with dates.
German occupation dates.Lat.Long.
German and soviet game OOB.

Game quite historical on Krim but ahead north of Rostow and upwards.
Whats especially difficult to simulate
is crossing of Dnjeper at right time.
Of course also the waiting time before op.Typhon
and around Odessa, Sewastopol and Tula.


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