goranw -> RE: Planning map and history (9/8/2021 4:38:42 PM)
Vistula to Berlin scenario. A very interesting one. Ai-Ai play. Onto generals map mod. Here are screen pictures from turn 6-7 and 8. that is 17 feb, 24 feb, up to march 3 -1945. Interesting to compare with history. Bromberg taken earlier in game and history. Posen isolated "Festung" 17 feb ( in history capitulated 23 feb. In game turn 7- 24 feb. Breslau Befestigung in game turn 7 -24 feb and isolated in game turn 8. Capitulated in history 6 may. Goran [image]local://upfiles/4588/7D7C54532ACB4E68BA0262818B366C52.jpg[/image]