Kluckenbill -> (7/12/2001 1:25:00 AM)
This isn't a big deal, but it does lead to some rather bizarre incidents. I've had relatively full strength squads of infantry surrender to 1 or 2 routed crewmen. Then in the next fire round the enemy crew surrendered, but my guys were gone! What happenned? Were they summarily executed by those evil gun crewmen? I realize the limitations of the game engine, I just think its funny.
My only real concern is that it requires a bit more micromanagement of meelees. kao16's recommendation is a good one, its just a nuisance to keep clicking on the units, especially if there are several of them in the hex.
As an aside, it appears that the old "infantry in the same hex as a tank" bug has reappeared! I've had several instances where a tank was hit by machine gun fire and an infantry unit in the hex NOT on the tank took casualties. However, it doesn't seem to happen very often so I've pretty much just ignored it.