RE: T6 - Will these silly Goose Steppers return to their Fatherland? (Full Version)

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Speedysteve -> RE: T6 - Will these silly Goose Steppers return to their Fatherland? (4/16/2021 2:26:52 PM)


Following the Nazi encirclement of Smolensk I ordered my men to hold firm. Not 1 step back......unless I order it[;)]

I ordered 2 local counter attacks against an enemy Infantry and Tank Rgt. Both failed. Again the men blame the quality of the vodka....I blame something else.

VVS did support our 2 counter attacks as an FYI.

I have to be careful not to give too much away to any Axis spies but here's a view of the current situation:


Speedysteve -> RE: T6 - Will these silly Goose Steppers return to their Fatherland? (4/16/2021 2:36:37 PM)


My Front Commanders are concerned that the wide open expanse and terrain is making it impossible for them to hold the Axis mobile formations at bay. I ordered my men to hold firm along the Dnepr and to not abandon Kiev!

I ordered local counter-attacks against 4 of the most extended Axis Mobile Rgt's near Kirovograd. 2 succeeded and 2 failed. My men reported destroying 23 tractors....I examined the report further and it occurred to me they were trying to humour me by describing the enemy tanks as Tractors compared to our Glorious Behemoths. I sent a terse reply to Ryabyshev (38th Army commander) that "if he's just fighting tractors why isn't he in Berlin yet?"....Idiot.....I think whilst downing a vodka shot.


Speedysteve -> RE: T6 - Will these silly Goose Steppers return to their Fatherland? (4/16/2021 2:40:36 PM)

Here's an updated view on our total air losses to date. It's going to take me a long time to sort out this mess of an Airforce me thinks.....more vodka consumed:


Speedysteve -> RE: T6 - Will these silly Goose Steppers return to their Fatherland? (4/16/2021 2:43:18 PM)

I hope readers understand that unlike my Axis counter-part (who can show his array of forces as it makes little difference for me to know that (largely)) I am unable show area/front wide views of my forces as the enemy could use that to his advantage.

I've learnt a lot in these first 2 months of war and would do several things different next time Germany attacks. After Turn 10 I'll grade myself on the various areas.

Also to add to Herr Loki's comment - yes I have been largely trying to avoid enemy Infantry Divisions to date. They can easily take me out and I've taken the approach to focus on enemy Tank units which are more likely to be in exposed positions. My theory being with these depleted it will limit the chance of mass deep breakthroughs in due course.

loki100 -> T7 - more neutral accurate reporting (4/19/2021 8:09:23 PM)

T7 – 3 August 1941

Have that horrible feeling I am running out of summer – ok I live in the north of Scotland where summer is a variable event, but I basically have 9 turns till it gets very wet.

Anyway, usual review of the bad things the Soviets did. By far the worst was that they made me forget to actually build a depot at Pskov. I took the damn place 3 turns ago, hooked it to the rail network last turn and was wondering why the connecting rail line was still green. I'd suggest everyone ignores anything I say about logistics from now on.

More to the point, challenged my naval control off Odessa and a fair number of attacks.


That was enough to break my blockade off Odessa and looking at the air losses it wasn't that expensive for them. I'll reinstate it in my turn but the question is whether or not just to clear the city, anything that evacuates is going to take heavy losses.


Well that was fairly expensive but it looks like only 2 divisions actually escaped and they are in a mess. Also it means that I have the rail repaired into the port so can hopefully push this rail branch up to the Dnepr bend before the Rumanian FBD converts to its component parts.


Since I started in the south, may as well stay there. Took E Kiev, I'll complete surrounding the city and then probably attack next turn – much the same logic as at Odessa as to whether a delay is really worth it.

Infantry now well placed to ease the load on 1 PG, one corps forced the Dnepr – while I expect a response, I suspect that will start the Soviets retreating back towards Kharkov.

Using the industry map mode on this sector so that I set up my depots on existing rail yards. Don't want to pay the supply cost of creating new ones unless I have no choice – and with a single under-used rail line there is little need to boost depot processing capacity.


4A has reached Gomel. Smolensk fell on the second assault, ended up using most of 9 Army but worth it to clear that out of the way (no time bonus though).


Spent an age trying to think of what to do on this sector. I could commit 2 PG to the southern portion and really go for Bryansk-Orel. In the end I had infantry on the line facing Yelnya, so did the usual model of commit 2 Pzr corps into the gap and hold one back.

Managed a decent breakthrough, as there were a lot of the Moscow Militia formations here, most of those turned into routs and even a few shatters. That probably left the equivalent of a Soviet army as a smouldering ruin.

I'm not sure its a good idea to let these formations get into combat. They tend to die quickly and take their manpower with them. Better to dig trenches and let them convert to normal RD in early 1942.


All a bit fragmented for AGN, given I have infantry arriving over the next couple of turns, couldn't see much to gain by committing my mobile formations.

Not at all sure that wandering off into the wilderness behind Velikie Luki was a good idea.


Generally, looks like the Red Army has taken on a lot of manpower, starting to encounter units that can really stand up for themselves. Hope is that they now need to fight and my infantry can help weaken these formations so I regain mobility.

Also its a finite resource till they gain their late November allocation, so in terms of front line balance of power this maybe as bad as it becomes (for a while).


A view supported by their relative lack of reserves – of course I have to find some way to regain mobility.


Losses – mine include nearly 4,000 in the attacks on Odessa and Smolensk but even so are slowly increasing. For a turn with relatively few pockets, quite surprised to see Soviet permanent losses at 100k.

At one level, manpower losses don't worry me too much – except it is so hard to bring up replacements.


Airwar is still fairly low key. Notable that the Soviets are clearly hiding their modern fighters and trying to fill the skies with their I-series planes.


VP. Not going to meet the October conditions but should be safe in terms of the HWM test.

Of what is in immediate range – I'll get the time bonus for Kiev (that will fall in the next 2 turns), Dnepropetrovsk probably not, too early to assess the T15-T18 set.


Keeping the HQ under their CP limits (small excess in 6A)


loki100 -> T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 7:34:27 PM)

T8 – 10 August 1941

Oddly the Soviets were relatively well behaved that turn, but with some important exceptions. I could have really done without losing those 45 tanks – its about 2 weeks worth of production.

Also it seems that the Soviets have abandoned their bias against Rumanians and are now taking it all out on Hungarians.


At least Pskov is now working, it'll take at least one more turn for it to reach capacity.


Soviet Union garrison, almost at 100%, I'll add some of those Rumanian cavalry brigades as they are less use now – not least the arriving Italians provide a recon force for the southern Ukrainian advance.


Extras are 3 weak Hungarian units that add very little on map.


First turn in some time that I set up a number of AD. Basically using GA-unit on known front line strong points where I plan to advance and more targetted GS allocations.

That led to the first view of the road to Leningrad, thats a lot of stuff (I'm sure there are more technical terms available).


So main effort by AGN. Used the infantry to push back some of the stronger Soviet units – mostly generating a very nice loss ratio so those units will take some refitting. LVI Pzr then attacked along the line of the Volkhov – at the very least I want to cut the dual rail from Moscow. XXXI Pzr sat in reserve.

Next turn most of 18A will be in contact.


My wanderings in the wilds of Kalinin oblast. Fairly clear this wasn't such a good idea but found a militia division in the front line so managed a useful breakthrough for not much effort.

LVII Pzr corps now reports to PG4 as it is operating with 16A (also helped reduce the CP load on AGC).

Velikie Luki is incorporated into the depot network and that will help a little.


Annoying held result at Spas-Demyansk. Used infantry to make some gains (& a lot of routs) towards Vyazma, one Pzr Corp committed directly east, other 2 (& a lot of infantry) resting.

On a few sectors simply attacked with infantry looking for routs or shatters. Really anything to burn off the recent build up in Soviet numbers.

Not shown but Gomel captured – not exactly going very fast here but with AGS now over the Dnepr any Soviet commitment becomes very vulnerable.


Ukraine suddenly opened up, Kiev is isolated and should fall next turn. Have a fresh 100 CPP corps nearby just for this task. 6A over the river and I'll advance as I can – as above this will yield Gomel-Chernigov by default, The Pzr corps north of the river had the turn off.


More important/unexpected was being able to make a pocket on the Bug mostly with the Rumanians – would normally be risky given how fragile these are but here any attempt to seriously intervene will just escalate the losses. Most of 11A resting after Odessa but some fresh formations forced the Bug just north of Nikolaev.

17A has scarcely fired a shot so with some care most of its infantry are 90+CPP. Used infantry from 4 PG to break a Soviet screen south of the Dnepr and was able to drive 2 Pzr corps into the gap. Some of the routed armour there were clearly those powerful formations that start in Moldavia so will be nice to get them off the OOB.

Clearly the 'pocket' at Kirovograd is not designed to hold but the infantry are vulnerable or may have to pull south – if so the direct route to Stalino may be weakly held.


Losses – again for a turn with no pockets, Soviet losses over 120,000. My tank losses are becoming a real source of concern – I effectively have 2 Pzr divisions out of use due to a lack of armour.


Air losses fairly high but that was by deliberate choice. My view is come the autumn, the LB in particular are of little value (range+poor weather=ops losses) so if I see the need, I'll use them up.


OOB – sticking to the air issue, a lot is allocated to L1 to support the Leningrad operation. So far only limited Soviet fighters but I'll bring more of my own if I do manage to collapse the Luga position.


Army supply position – only 6A in a real problem and that is not too bad.

Soviets have kindly donated me 11,700 trucks.


So while the truck/unit ratio starting to fray (& my pool is empty) overall not a bad situation.


HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 8:22:05 PM)

The more I look at this and see the situation in my game I believe this is the way to go with some of the I-series planes you reference below for the Soviets. In some situations you may not have a choice in using the new planes everywhere for the Soviets.


loki100 -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 8:33:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: HardLuckYetAgain

The more I look at this and see the situation in my game I believe this is the way to go with some of the I-series planes you reference below for the Soviets. In some situations you may not have a choice in using the new planes everywhere for the Soviets.

aye, I think its a mistake for the Soviets to race to set aside the I-series stuff. It absorbs axis fighters at the worst (& given the skill disparity a better or worse plane doesn't make that much difference), if you get lucky and catch un/under-escorted bombers they can do decent damage.

The only advantage the VVS potentially has in 1941 is numbers and to ignore the I-planes mean you cede even that advantage

M60A3TTS -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 9:06:50 PM)

I'll disagree, there's no clear cut answer that says using the I-Types provides superior results.

Here are my results, same time frame, HvH, holding out the I-Types. The results were no worse than yours.


loki100 -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 9:32:41 PM)



I'll disagree, there's no clear cut answer that says using the I-Types provides superior results.

Here are my results, same time frame, HvH, holding out the I-Types. The results were no worse than yours.


weeeellll [:)]

I'd suggest you've handled the VVS very differently to Comrade S (and that is not a comment re good/bad just about approach). Your flak and operational losses suggest you've been much more willing to engage with ground units directly and done a better job sidestepping the axis fighters?

its interesting there isn't a vast difference in the totals (though given the nature of T1 prob not such a surprise) but the pattern of where the relative losses have fallen is both interestng and rather different

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 9:41:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: loki100



I'll disagree, there's no clear cut answer that says using the I-Types provides superior results.

Here are my results, same time frame, HvH, holding out the I-Types. The results were no worse than yours.


weeeellll [:)]

I'd suggest you've handled the VVS very differently to Comrade S (and that is not a comment re good/bad just about approach). Your flak and operational losses suggest you've been much more willing to engage with ground units directly and done a better job sidestepping the axis fighters?

its interesting there isn't a vast difference in the totals (though given the nature of T1 prob not such a surprise) but the pattern of where the relative losses have fallen is both interestng and rather different

As a German I would press a Soviet only flying new Models. I am sure, after seeing the Soviet side of things, I can put a good damper on anyone doing a pure new air model Soviet setup as a German player and wishes to engage in air battles.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 9:43:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: HardLuckYetAgain


ORIGINAL: loki100



I'll disagree, there's no clear cut answer that says using the I-Types provides superior results.

Here are my results, same time frame, HvH, holding out the I-Types. The results were no worse than yours.


weeeellll [:)]

I'd suggest you've handled the VVS very differently to Comrade S (and that is not a comment re good/bad just about approach). Your flak and operational losses suggest you've been much more willing to engage with ground units directly and done a better job sidestepping the axis fighters?

its interesting there isn't a vast difference in the totals (though given the nature of T1 prob not such a surprise) but the pattern of where the relative losses have fallen is both interestng and rather different

As a German I would press a Soviet only flying new Models. I am sure, after seeing the Soviet side of things, I can put a good damper on anyone doing a pure new air model Soviet setup as a German player and wishes to engage in air battles.

But I think it is good to use some of the I-series on certain sections of the battlefields, at least until your "pool" of new fighter airplanes reaches a comfortable position.

loki100 -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 10:49:27 PM)

I'm not convinced re the VVS, I know M60 is of the view that you can manage it to achieve a distinct qualitative improvement but I think the underlying experience levels is such that the reality is fight+die regardless.

The table below is off t11 - so the turn I've just sent back, and the loss ratio really doesn't alter according to what the VVS uses?


that turn saw a lot of GS battles and I don't think the exchange rate was bad for the Soviets - but its a brute force approach

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/20/2021 10:57:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: loki100

I'm not convinced re the VVS, I know M60 is of the view that you can manage it to achieve a distinct qualitative improvement but I think the underlying experience levels is such that the reality is fight+die regardless.

The table below is off t11 - so the turn I've just sent back, and the loss ratio really doesn't alter according to what the VVS uses?


that turn saw a lot of GS battles and I don't think the exchange rate was bad for the Soviets - but its a brute force approach

I concur with you Loki. The damage table is one sided weighted towards Germany on the ratio of kill-2-kill ratio no matter what the airframe. Yes you will get a few more kills with the older model aircraft but I found the same thing in my tests so far. Hence my deviation in my Soviet game from using purely new model Soviet Fighters until at least have a nice amount saved up.

carlkay58 -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/21/2021 12:00:41 AM)

I know that I am not the expert on this, but when I played HYLA I only used the obsolete Soviet aircraft until December 41. I had sufficient fighters to put up some defense everywhere while saving the better models for my own counter offensive. HYLA can decide how that went.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/21/2021 12:11:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: carlkay58

I know that I am not the expert on this, but when I played HYLA I only used the obsolete Soviet aircraft until December 41. I had sufficient fighters to put up some defense everywhere while saving the better models for my own counter offensive. HYLA can decide how that went.

We never got to your offense since you were working on something for Joel. Plus I didn't read the rules for WITE2, never practiced Head to head, and only knew the opening bombing which I had practiced a few times. Thus I really didn't do much at all on the Airforce so don't believe it would be a good candidate for comparison. I know a great deal of my thinking has changed since that game roughly 2 months ago though.

Speedysteve -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/21/2021 11:29:56 AM)

Hi Guys,

Comrade Speedyevsky reporting from my Dacha. Whilst plotting the doom of and annihilating anything with a silly black cross on it I thought I'd chime in here on the air stuff.

Now I plan to do a full self-assessment, of the war to date and my performance, on T10 of the AAR but with regard to the VVS my approach has been (bear in mind I've not played a game of either WITE1/2 in anger for about 3 years so it's been a 'suck it and see' approach and there's a few things I'd definitely do different next game as the SU):

1.) Anything with low morale (sub-40) I send back to NR
2.) Any air unit <10 planes is sent back to NR

Everything else is kept on map for use.

3.) Whenever a 1st-rate fighter pool exceeds 100 planes I upgrade an air unit based on Exp (highest experience unit gets upgraded).

4.) 1/2 times every 2 weeks I select the highest experience fighter/IL-2 unit and turn on Trained Pilots only.

5.) When assigning units from the NR to the Map I send 1st-rate fighter units (as a preference) if there's some available with at least 75% planes and over 54 experience,

Here's my current on map fighter units from the start of T1 as a snapshot:


Speedysteve -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/21/2021 11:30:25 AM)



Speedysteve -> RE: T8 - the Goebbel's award for journalistic integrity (4/21/2021 11:31:03 AM)



loki100 -> T9 - setting the record straight (ahem) (4/21/2021 6:47:45 PM)

T9 – 17 August 1941

Well, they did some more bad things


I mean I put a lot of effort into reaching those hexes. Actually they were fairly well behaved. Had to re-organise my recon bi-planes, sent about 25% of the AG to the reserve as restricted in order to keep the rest operational.

Kiev fell on first attack – do think that city forts are less of a barrier than you might expect. But to make them work, you have to commit a lot – certainly far more than just 3 divisions?

Well its added to my depot system now.


One reason for the 'bad things' section is it actually highlights good Soviet play, and stuff that really hurts. So here is a Pzr division that got caught up in a number of those small scale encirclements and defeats.

It looks ok, but its really short of combat elements, so the average TOE (64) masks a real problem. If it takes more heavy losses I risk a shatter or rout. Now its on a depot, reasonably far back, but I simply lack the tank replacements to repair the damage.


Anyway, not much else happened in the Ukraine. My valiant Rumanian allies celebrated a rare victory by over-running the pocket on the Bug. Elsewhere the Soviets fell back so I mostly brought the infantry up in a manner to retain CPP and let the Pzrs have a week off.


Still strong Soviet defences facing 4A – no point engaging in too much combat as my gains in the Ukraine will undermine them.

Have Vitebsk set up as the new super-depot so dismantle Minsk by moving off the FBD.

One really important issue, when you do this, make sure you don't lower capacity below the stored freight (here I have AGC), or it can't be dispatched and can be lost (which is a huge waste). So in this sort of situation, move the FBD but leave the HQ(s) that were generating the capacity bonus for at least one turn.

On the other hand, this can work really well – most of that stock of freight will now cascade to the advanced depots – if they in turn have the capacity to process.

The goal is to have Smolensk as the key depot in a few turns, but this sort of step by step approach can optimise the freight in the wider sector.


More generally, all a bit frustrating – more holds than I'd really want but also kept back a lot of the mobile formations.


Better for AGN – or more accurately, exactly what I expected. Chewing my way into their defensive lines, from experience it is really hard to refit wrecked rifle divisions so for the moment – oddly – I am in a better position to recover my losses. But clearly this can't be sustained.

Should be able to cut the main rail link in a couple of turns.


Losses – mine slowly going up, Soviets relatively high due to the Ukrainian pockets.


Air losses – at least mine are to a purpose, the GS becomes more useful to gain narrow wins or convert a retreat into a collapse.


OOB – guess the good thing is the growth of the Red Army has stalled, also they have clearly emptied the reserve.


Army supply table – problems for 6A and 9A, but these are also the most marginal in terms of the logistics network.


Speedysteve -> RE: T9 - Come on Pravda....get to work! (4/21/2021 11:00:36 PM)

Firstly, apologies Comrades. The last few weeks of War have had me flying across all of Soviet Russia trying to bolster morale and organise things and I've not had the time to update you all.

Truth be told Herr Loki has kept you up to date and there's little positive to report from the Soviet side.

I've been trying to organise local counter-attacks where possible in all sectors with a focus on the enemy Tank Units. I've begun to instruct the VVS to conduct weekly attacks on the enemy spearheads focussing on interdiction and ground attacks. I'm sceptical of the results and affects.....even more so when local beaver farmers report seeing bombs falling amongst their beaver huts....nonetheless for morale purposes I've issued more vodka rations....The focus on my VVS efforts are posted above. Most of my reinforcement focus has been on the Northern and Central sectors to date. Leningrad and Moscow must NOT fall. If they do I'm dead I know that.

One of my constant focusses (after the useless use of AP's on City Forts) is on getting my competent friends into the Front Commands. Over the next 2 weeks all Front Commands should have someone capable-good in charge which will surely help. I can only help it somehow stops these Nazi Devils....

Up North after the surge of the Nazi's towards our crucial rail connection to Moscow is was agreed we had to pull back our westward defences as they were useless out there, threatened and at risk of being encircled. Purkaev was told get the engineers out, dig deep, no more retreating....otherwise no more Snow Queen vodka for Maksim and his comrades.


Speedysteve -> RE: T9 - Come on Pravda....get to work! (4/21/2021 11:06:46 PM)


I focus on 22nd Army efforts west of Rzhev....the silly enemy attempts to force cross country towards Rzhev was fatally rebuffed as an enemy Tank Rgt was repulsed by a concerted attack. Extra Snow Queen vodka was given to these men. Huzzah! In response to our previous air attack on Romania our VVS decided to decimate 87 of 88 JU-88's in this attack...all's fair in love and war[;)]


Speedysteve -> RE: T9 - Come on Pravda....get to work! (4/21/2021 11:19:54 PM)

Unfortunately there's little positive to comment on elsewhere and I can't show you operational maps in case the Abwehr is watching. As always happens there's hours of reorganising the frontlines, positioning reinforcements to the key sectors, prioritising refits for divisions, dishing out vodka. There's still a lot of modernisation that is needed in the airforce and army. The 1 positive I can post from this is the number of enemy gun tractors.....errr...tanks destroyed to date and my men managed to destroy 28 to my 14 during our offensive actions. Huzzah!


loki100 -> RE: T9 - Come on Pravda....get to work! (4/22/2021 7:26:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: Speedysteve

.. The 1 positive I can post from this is the number of enemy gun tractors.....errr...tanks destroyed to date and my men managed to destroy 28 to my 14 during our offensive actions. Huzzah!


yes, we meant to thank you for that, it saved us a trip to the recycling centre to get rid of that old junk [8D]

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: T9 - Come on Pravda....get to work! (4/22/2021 1:43:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Speedysteve

Unfortunately there's little positive to comment on elsewhere and I can't show you operational maps in case the Abwehr is watching. As always happens there's hours of reorganising the frontlines, positioning reinforcements to the key sectors, prioritising refits for divisions, dishing out vodka. There's still a lot of modernisation that is needed in the airforce and army. The 1 positive I can post from this is the number of enemy gun tractors.....errr...tanks destroyed to date and my men managed to destroy 28 to my 14 during our offensive actions. Huzzah!

1.6 million Soviet losses at T9 is doing well in my opinion. For me 1.6 is normally my turn 6 goal. So on my schedule you are doing really well, by 3 turns ;-) Loki needs to step up the pain on you!!!! [sm=00000613.gif]

Speedysteve -> RE: T9 - Come on Pravda....get to work! (4/22/2021 2:32:26 PM)

Wait until you see the next few weeks of action[;)][:D]

Re-arrange these words: Shoot Stalin me Comrade definitely will[;)]

Once Herr Loki posts his next weekly update I'll post my 10 week summary and a bit of narcissistic assessment of my war and actions to date.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: T9 - Come on Pravda....get to work! (4/22/2021 2:38:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Speedysteve

Wait until you see the next few weeks of action[;)][:D]

Re-arrange these words: Shoot Stalin me Comrade definitely will[;)]

Once Herr Loki posts his next weekly update I'll post my 10 week summary and a bit of narcissistic assessment of my war and actions to date.

Oh!!!! So good thing I have the popcorn already ;-)

loki100 -> T10 - by special request (4/22/2021 5:20:00 PM)

T10 – 24 August 1941

Autumn is definitely on the way.

Should start a new opening section – things I am going to blame the Soviets for. After all it couldn't be my fault that I forgot to repair these 2 hexes, making a complete mess of my rail net along the Black Sea?


Definitely can blame them for bombing my army, a lot of attempted interdiction and this sort of thing. Glad I'm leaving GS on as my airpower weakened that attack – taking out almost 250 elements.


But, I mean, there is really no need to do this ....


My turn was relatively straightforward, for good or ill I am committed to my current force allocation. While I can (and am) pulling some units out of the line for redepoyment, that is secondary.

So AGN, was surprised the Soviets pulled back. Grabbed the hexes and let some of 18A have a week to regain CPP. Have managed to pull elements of 4 Pzr Grp off defensive duties so that will help with CPP. That should allow me land a decent blow in a couple of turns but also content to use up one Pzr Corps on a steady drive towards the rail line.


The drive on Vyazma is mostly infantry. Had one extremely irritating draw that stopped my motorised divisions breaking through. 2 PG mostly through the really bad terrain, still able to pull some off the line to refit so I can sustain this for a few more turns.


Gomel sector is an infantry fight, as such I'm content just to steadily wreck a number of Soviet divisions, the real threat to their defensive line here is to the north and south.


Usual pattern of rest one Pzr corps, use the other two. Break out towards Kharkov was a bit of a pac-man attack as I ran out the CPP of the SS mot with hasty attacks on already weak defenders. 17A comes up the Dnepr bend.

Not much happened in the south. Took Kherson, looks like the Soviets have pulled back behind the Dnepr.


Losses seem to have settled into a pattern, struggling for pockets at the moment.


Looks like my guess that the Soviets have used their reserve manpower was correct. Their combat losses seem to be coming off their on-map army. Especially in the Ukraine, think I am facing a lot of weakened formations. Which makes sense given the heavy commitment at Leningrad.


VP situation. I have 484 (so fairly safe for the 525), neither of us are gaining or losing much in the Theatre Boxes. Should gain +40 in the Ukraine before the rains, if I add one of Stalino, Orel or Tula then that means I can make my own choices in November (something I think is fairly important).

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: T10 - by special request (4/22/2021 5:25:26 PM)


Well, I can't say that I haven't done that, not in WITE2 yet, but I have done that. It is like OH SH***************T, F, F, F!!!!!! But yeah Soviets did that ;-P


loki100 -> T11 - getting my version in first (4/23/2021 3:02:35 PM)

T11 - 31 August 1941

So before moving on to the silly mistakes and Soviet nasty moves section. Worth a brief detour to logistics.

Here's the second advantage of a super-depot, Minsk has steadily released all that stored freight and its now located in my depots behind Smolensk.

This trick of building up a stock, leaving the HQ (for the capacity) and moving forward can really keep a large block of freight on a relatively narrow sector. Its actually even more important for the Soviets from 1943 onwards.


So AGN, gave up on the driving tour of the Valdai, I'll redeploy LVII Pzr where it will do more good, but 16 A is well dug in and I have some ground that I can trade off in the winter if I need to.

Another Soviet retreat at Leningrad, am using my infantry to secure my flank on the Volkhov, more usefully have cut the rail link (even if I couldn't occupy the hex). Using the supply soft factor and it looks like the Soviets have their own problems here (predictably), also most retreats escalate to routs.

I don't think there is any realistic chance of taking the city but I was more deterred by the original defence in depth than by one based on large stacks and not much room to retreat. Both the armies here are on assault and I can regain CPP fairly quickly.


Forgot to mention - this sort of thing went on whilst I wasn't looking.


So AGC relied more on its infantry for this turn, letting as much of the mobile units have a rest, especially after some bruising Soviet attacks, as possible, I'm happy enough with a hex row a turn advance on Vyazma, especially given the number of routs but PG2 really needs to be able to make real progress.

Am finding these sustained infantry offensives to be very effective at this sort of operation (given the terrain and the Soviet defensive layout its not as if I am going to gain much manouver space). If you have a division in an assault army, attack once and then don't move (& rest in a non-ZOC hex), you regain 25 CPP for the next turn. That creates the ability to sustain the momentum, so I'm using the infantry in PG3 for this and letting 9A occupy the new front line (as their CPP regain is so much less in any case).


AGS is strung out. 6A covers a long flank north of the Dnepr – not too worried here as 4A is probing at the west side of this salient and its vulnerable to my mobile units making progress towards Kharkov.

Decided just to take Dnepropetrovsk, it only had a single division in defense so no real gain to constructing a pocket.

Not shown but also forced the Dnepr opposite Kherson.


Wider picture. Usual approach of let one Pzr corps rest, use the others. Managed to break through north of Dnepropetrovsk and then risked a deep salient. Its vulnerable but I have fresh infantry arriving so if I need to free up a pocket I can with some ease. Some holds but generally the Soviet formations collapsed on contact. Also undermines the Soviet defensive line along the Dnepr.

Have a choice next turn of Kharkov or the Dombas.


Losses – much the same as usual. I remain worried at the relative lack of pockets but Comrade S is proving very tricky to pin down.


Air losses – a lot more clashes that turn, note that the Mig-3s have been committed – to little effect.

Think not doing any recon is a bit risky, especially with Pzr corps off the line (& not shown in any of the images above).


OOB, not much changing but at least the Red Army isn't able to grow with 100k+ losses per turn.


Managed to finally find the AP to start swapping out the weaker Corps commanders.

VP situation. My focus is on matching the HWM for January 1942 and only 30 short. A combination of Zaporozhye, Kharkov and Stalino should deliver since the Theatre boxes are pretty stable.

My logic here is this puts me into a degree of control over the autumn-early winter battles. I actually think its a mistake for the Axis to opt to defend in that period but clearly there is a difference between picking how you attack and having to do so in a desperate search for VP.

Realistically, if there is any chance of a clean victory, best to look towards late 1942.


Have now lost 25,000 trucks but have been given 15,000 as gifts from the Soviet Union.

A lot of the stuff I borrowed from the French seems to have broken down.


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