AlessandroD -> CPP nice idea but... (4/4/2021 9:12:00 AM)
...I don't like the halved rule, especially in the first attack. I will try to explain it a little better, I really like this concept (CPP) and how it limits the combat effectivenes of a unit, also it works great decreasing the CV after every hex moved into. Anyhow when you attack you lose half of your CPP but it doesn't matter if you are attacking a well defended position or a unit prone to surrender, and losing 20-40% of your nominal CV for attacking a weak garrison unit it seems a bit too much. And it is even worse for a unit with high nominal CV like a panzer division. Of course in the subsequent attacks you are losing much less but it should be the opposite, a tired unit attacking several times in a week should lose much more nominal CV that in your first attack. What are you thoughts about CPP? What am I missing?