Spain Aligned (Full Version)

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Courtenay -> Spain Aligned (4/4/2021 5:46:22 PM)

In one of the current AARs, the Axis had a decent shot of taking Gibraltar with Spain still neutral, which would have allowed the Axis to align Spain.

Has anyone ever had this happen?

Has anyone ever had this happen and the Axis lose the game? It seems rather devastating to me.

CanInf -> RE: Spain Aligned (4/4/2021 8:14:55 PM)

yes. I have done it several times. Take Morocco before France falls. Use it as an airbase to cut supply. place the 4-range stukas in the city. Flip and land.You can use an O-chit to help. Doing that generates about a 60 per cent chance, which is pretty good. for what you get.

Centuur -> RE: Spain Aligned (4/4/2021 9:54:03 PM)

60% chance when the Axis are able to cut supply and are prepared to use an offensive is about correct, if the CW allows the Italians to take Morocco.

But it's sloppy play if the CW allow the Axis to take that minor from the French without a good fight. It only takes a couple of land units in the mountains before Rabat to defend the area. A Hurricane in Rabat is in range for interception. Especially the Canadians can be send pretty fast to Casablanca and Rabat. The Italians lack the necessary units to both attack a CW force in Morocco and contain the British in Egypt.

However, this might happen if the French and British navies don't want to be aggressive in the Med against the Italians, or if they are very unlucky in finding the Italian convoys and TRS. And it might also happen if the CW is building the wrong units. INF, MIL, FTR and HQ's should be build (together with an AMPH on the first or second turn). If the CW does this, it will have enough land units to prepare against an attack on Morocco.

The alignment of Spain is damaging to the Allies. It lowers the chance of an Allied victory, but it isn't fatal.

CanInf -> RE: Spain Aligned (4/4/2021 10:31:27 PM)

sloppy play on the CW part? it's verging on criminal. The extra HQ is immensely valuable. The Spanish ships are vampires on CW convoy routes. Access to the atlantic by a combined italian nayy, spanish navy and Kreigsmarine. is horrifying for the RN. Sure the axis can still lose. But it will be a long long game.

brian brian -> RE: Spain Aligned (4/5/2021 4:30:47 PM)

A strong Axis strategy.

werwolf -> RE: Spain Aligned (4/6/2021 6:38:23 AM)

Never had any opportunity to align any Minor Conutry as I never was able to send any German units to fight with Italians and to be commanded by Italians. These were possibile in Chris Marinacci Beta versione (sic).

paulderynck -> RE: Spain Aligned (4/7/2021 7:12:19 PM)

Certainly, it is possible in MWiF.

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