upen -> Theater Boxes, things not in manual (4/4/2021 9:58:56 PM)
I'm reading the section of the manual on TBs and it mentions that combat TBs (Northern Front for instance) have a garrison requirement that will cause VP and AP penalties if you fall below it. The manual neglects to mention where you can see what these garrison requirements are in game. Playing around with TBs ingame I'm still flummoxed, there are no tooltips anywhere in the TB screen that help, at least that I can find. I assumed it's the number on the first screen in parenthesis but that doesn't make sense as there are also Truck and Freight numbers in parenthesis and I don't see a way to control how much freight gets assigned to a TB so why would it have a freight garrison requirement if I can't interact with it? Secondly, in the assigned units page for HQs there are sometimes symbols next to units. The '-' is described in the manual as denoting a support unit but some units have a 'c' or 'cf' icon. The 'c' appears to be units that are assigned to cities, but I can't find 'cf' in the manual which is surprising as that's relatively easy to search for.