Next Batched of Mega Campaign CD's Shipped (Full Version)

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David Heath -> Next Batched of Mega Campaign CD's Shipped (7/11/2001 5:11:00 AM)

The new CD company making our Mega Campaign CD just callled and said that our new batch of Mega Campaign CD are being overnighted now to the warehouse. If all goes well... not plane crashes or other issues Mega Campaign CD should start shipping tomorrow.

Drex -> (7/11/2001 6:25:00 AM)

Thank you, thank you thank you. You don't know how hard it is reading the posts about the mega-campaign. I've gone back and have been playing the SPWAW campaigns just to get it off my mind. With luck I'll be playing mega-campaign this weekend.

David Heath -> (7/11/2001 7:55:00 AM)

Hi Guys Just so you know this version comes with spwaw v5.3. You only need to download the spwaw v6.1 patch and you will be all set.

hobbsjas -> (7/12/2001 3:17:00 AM)

My order for mc1 still says backordered, when is that updated?

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