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Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> Johnny English (8/23/2003 11:32:01 PM)

Ok watched this one last night. It is totally Rowan Atkinson and I guess its a fans movie :)

If you like him you will like it, but don't expect it to be dripping with Oscars hehe.

I will say this much though, it will make a Limey grimmace. Hey now you know how it feels to have the world thinking we are a bunch of Bob and Dougs hehe :)


Steel Panthers, beauty eh

Hey wanna beer hoser.

Take oooooff Tigers are for insecure gamers eh.

Blunderbuss -> (8/24/2003 2:12:37 AM)

Rowan Atkinson was actually born in the same district I live in. He was great in the Blackadder tv series, but his film appearances usually make me cringe. I didn't like his Mr. Bean character, and I just avoid his films now.

CCB -> (8/24/2003 2:19:41 AM)

[QUOTE=Les the Sarge 9-1]KuuuuuLukukukukukuuuuuu

Steel Panthers, beauty eh

Hey wanna beer hoser.

Take oooooff Tigers are for insecure gamers eh.[/QUOTE]


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