rob89 -> RE: The PzG issue (4/10/2021 4:45:05 AM)
Let's try to sum my issues on the matter. As said, PzG (and PzPio) squads have an infantry and a APC component in the same 'ground element' Given that : a) the speed factor is 6 (as infantry) and not that (32) of the SdKfz-251; the 'size' is =1, as infantry, and not =3, as the Sdkfz-251; so, for both, it seems that PzG (and PzPio) squads are considered 'dismounted' infantry. b) the armor factor is 1-1-0 (not 0-0-0 as standard infantry) but not 15-10-0 as the SdKfz-251; even this choose seems to indicate a 'dismounted' infantry. In any case, what's the impact on the combat result of that (1-1-0 armor) factor? And so, what about the APC protection factor? c) if destroyed/damaged, both infantry and the APC suffer the same result at the same time. So, in this case, it seems that they are considered 'mounted' infantry during combat. If 'dismounted', the infantry and the vehicle component should be shot separately, with different destiny. d) the men, weapons, build cost, load cost, fuel use, ammo use factors are the sum of Infantry+Vehicle values. e) the reliability factor is that of the Sdkfz-251. f) the PzG (and PzPio) squads can be produced only consuming Sdkfz-251 chassis, and they have a cap. a) and c) seem to be in contrast. b) is a question for which I'd really like to have an answer from the designers. best regards