Taifun -> RE: TAIFUN (Axis) vs smckechnie (Allies) Full game 1939 (4/15/2021 9:47:36 PM)
October 24 1941 At this point the Soviets must be really stretched thin with only 39 land units to defend many important key regions: Murmansk, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, the Far East (where a significant part of their forces were still based inexplicably) and the Caucasus. They just could not be strong in all those places. Obviously they concentrated around Moscow some of the best troops. It was a critical moment for Stalin with so many “rat holes to watch” and the Germans took advantage of this, creating a strong schwerpunkt towards the oilfields. The Soviet defensive positions around Grozny were overrun and the city captured by our paras in their second jump of the war. The communications between Baku and the rest of the country were now cut! Mediterranean area. British reconnaissance troops and some tanks are seen again near Tripoli. Mussolini decides to send additional forces to Libya: a fully rested Army and AA unit take position in the defense of Tripoli. At the end of this turn the Soviets aligned 38 land units vs 66 Germans. [image]local://upfiles/23459/43C8282748534B6694CE0A75170E1DFC.jpg[/image]