rustysi -> RE: 102 Runway Hits.... shouldn't it stop planes from taking off ? (4/12/2021 3:08:06 AM)
ORIGINAL: Moltrey Pavel01: From one (relatively) new player to another - You really need to: 1). Check your expectations baggage at the WITP:AE "door". Tactical thinking and logic breakdowns in a Grand Strategic game rarely pan out like you think they should. 2). Remind yourself every time you sit down and start up the game that you are Admiral Nimitz (more or less). You have VERY little control over outcomes once the hounds of war are released. Which, I should add, is the way it SHOULD BE. 3). Learn to accept that even with AE being the "2nd Edition", the Devs still had to make many decisions as to how detailed and accurate the game could be. Compromises were made. Some things were never finished and never will be. 4). Yes, it stinks, but realize that with all the warts it has, WITP:AE is still by far the best simulation of the Pacific War available. 5). While there are a lot of things in AE I would like to see added or completed, there is no other competition at this level of detail and immersion. I find it a very rewarding game that requires a hefty sacrifice in time and mindset in order to appreciate fully. You can get there too, just don't let your preconceived notions ruin it for you. +1!!!!