Still plugging away on this? (Full Version)

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eggmansdaddy -> Still plugging away on this? (4/16/2021 11:35:46 PM)

Just checking in to see if anyone at Matrix is still working on this gem of a game? I know at one point I had a discussion with you guys about issues with making maps I think, but that was a long while back. I see that there are issues with Win 10 installs. I re-installed my game on a Win 10 rig and have not had problems...yet?

rickier65 -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (4/17/2021 4:42:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: eggmansdaddy

Just checking in to see if anyone at Matrix is still working on this gem of a game? I know at one point I had a discussion with you guys about issues with making maps I think, but that was a long while back. I see that there are issues with Win 10 installs. I re-installed my game on a Win 10 rig and have not had problems...yet?

Mobius and I were still working on it about a year ago, but it was down to just the two of us (as far as I know). And I don't seem to be very good at modelling, so that left the modelling all on Mobius. I think he finally lost the modelling software he used in a hardware crash, so things pretty much came to a halt.

I tried picking up the skill to model to help, but didnt seem to have much talent at it.

We also started getting some reports of crashes. I was able to reproduce them, but I wasn't able to find what caused them, so they still pop up from time to time.

I've considered recompiling to see if the latest compiler might help, but I haven't.

Mobius and I did make quite a bit of progress on an add-on module, but we never made it to the finish. We also revamped the map maker to simplify some of the texturing things that sometimes slowed down the process of making maps. But we kind of lost steam.

I don't know of any work by anyone at Matrix, but that doesnt mean there is none.

I still think about trying again, but I'm not sure there is much of a pool of players anymore.


BilboLeFou -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (5/25/2021 9:54:38 AM)


I downloaded the demo, and I find this game a good alternative to CM.
Of course the graphic are old but I really enjoy the gameplay.
Before buying it, I have two questions:

1) Win10 compatibility is not so clear for me. Some posts describe issues and other no. Is it fully compatible with Win10 ?
2) Is there somewhere a repository with user made missions ?

Thanks a lot if you can give me your feedbacks.

rickier65 -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (5/25/2021 6:14:36 PM)




I downloaded the demo, and I find this game a good alternative to CM.
Of course the graphic are old but I really enjoy the gameplay.
Before buying it, I have two questions:

1) Win10 compatibility is not so clear for me. Some posts describe issues and other no. Is it fully compatible with Win10 ?
2) Is there somewhere a repository with user made missions ?

Thanks a lot if you can give me your feedbacks.

If the Demo works, it should be good to go. There were some crashes reported in a few of the scenarios, but not all, so I am suspecting its not a Win 10 issue.

The Map Maker had some issues connecting with google maps, due to some changes with google maps services, but if you use hand drawn maps (rather than importing from google) lit should work fine.

As far as user made scenarios, best place is in the forum mods folder. But you will need to change the default filter from 365 days to all. there were a few scenarios made, but not as many as I would have liked. But there is a random battle generater thats part of the game


BilboLeFou -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (5/26/2021 5:14:28 PM)

Thanks for your feedback and the trick about the filter. I didn't notice it !

Solidus -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (8/9/2021 11:31:57 AM)

I would still love to see it finished up. One one hand, it would be a shame to have all that work die on the vine but I wouldn't blame you if the will just isn't there. As I said before, a freelancer could help with modeling, at least.

rickier65 -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (8/10/2021 2:28:14 AM)



I would still love to see it finished up. One one hand, it would be a shame to have all that work die on the vine but I wouldn't blame you if the will just isn't there. As I said before, a freelancer could help with modeling, at least.

I still think this is a really good game. I would like to have seen it expanded myself


eggmansdaddy -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (9/17/2021 2:27:51 AM)

Hi Rick-

Sorry for not responding to your PCO status update until now. I appreciate all the effort you have expended. The player base owes you much respect and gratitude for the effort.

I hope at some point this project moves forward. The game is still relevant even now, it is a shame that it has not received more love from the wargaming community.

Again, much appreciation for your effort.



rickier65 -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (9/17/2021 10:05:59 PM)

Thanks for the kind words.



ORIGINAL: eggmansdaddy

Hi Rick-

Sorry for not responding to your PCO status update until now. I appreciate all the effort you have expended. The player base owes you much respect and gratitude for the effort.

I hope at some point this project moves forward. The game is still relevant even now, it is a shame that it has not received more love from the wargaming community.

Again, much appreciation for your effort.



eggmansdaddy -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (11/10/2021 12:55:29 PM)


So are you and Mobius affiliated with Matrix? Or are you part of the original development team?

As for modeling, have you considered reaching out to the community to help?

Also, what language is the game coded in?



redwolf2 -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (11/10/2021 4:22:59 PM)


Also, what language is the game coded in?


So a Macintosh port should be our first demand [:D]

rickier65 -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (11/11/2021 12:19:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: eggmansdaddy


So are you and Mobius affiliated with Matrix? Or are you part of the original development team?

Matrix owns Panzer Command (as far as I know). Mobius and I aren't affiliated with Matrix. I wasn't on the original development team, though I think Mobius was. In fact I think Mobius was the author of the miniature rules that the original game was based on. I didn't become involved until after PCO was released.


ORIGINAL: eggmansdaddy

As for modeling, have you considered reaching out to the community to help?

Considered it yes, but that would probably be something better handled by Erik Rutins. though I've mentioned in the forums a few times that modelling was a limiting resource back when it just got down to Mobius and I. We did have a couple of different start to help with the code, but for various reasons they dropped out. I think Mobius get burned out on the modelling after he lost his modelling tools in a system crash.


ORIGINAL: eggmansdaddy

Also, what language is the game coded in?



The main game program is written in C#.

Some of the ancillary tools are written in javascript.

My guess is that is that the best hope now, would be to totally rewrite the game using the latest game engine Matrix/Slitherine is using. I would certainly be willing to help, though I dont think I have the necessary skill to do more than help at this point.


eggmansdaddy -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (11/15/2021 4:41:31 AM)


Thanks for the intel. Let's hope for a port to that new engine.


Firebri -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (11/23/2021 5:44:15 PM)

I've got this game back on my machine now. It is a really good game.

What strikes me odd is, when I type in WEGO games on my search engine. PCO hardly ever comes up.

Some upgrades for it, would be nice.

rickier65 -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (11/24/2021 6:35:24 AM)



I've got this game back on my machine now. It is a really good game.

What strikes me odd is, when I type in WEGO games on my search engine. PCO hardly ever comes up.

Some upgrades for it, would be nice.

Please post here how it performs now.

And yes, the wego aspect of this game makes it one of my favorites.


Firebri -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (11/24/2021 7:20:11 PM)

Hi Rick,

I'm running it on a Windows 10 machine. It plays very well.

I wish there was a Panzer Command for North Afrika !

rickier65 -> RE: Still plugging away on this? (11/25/2021 2:53:02 AM)



Hi Rick,

I'm running it on a Windows 10 machine. It plays very well.

I wish there was a Panzer Command for North Afrika !

that would take a bit of work to create the models for british and american tanks. Not sure how well it would work with map sizes being limited to 1.5 - 2 km. (and 2km is really pushing it perfromance wise)

but yeah, there is a lot of unrealized potential

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