Mentant -> Tank Commanders (7/11/2001 11:09:00 AM)
Hello everyone..... I am generally new to this game, having first found it about a month ago, and having little actual time to play it... (more is the pity, although I did order the MC :), but I was just curious as to the following:
I had been under the impression that one of the major things that seperated a good tank commander from a poor one (especially in WWII combat) was his use of the cupola, riding with his head out for maximum visability. Commanders who fought buttoned would have poor visability and so their initiative would be severely curtailed.
Obviously under certain conditions even experienced commanders would have to button up, but oftentimes they could be sniped from afar, or picked off by a sudden burst of MG fire.
I was just wondering if it was possible to implement something like this in SP... I believe that as it already stands, a tank thats buttoned does suffer from poor LOS, and generally has taken supression.
What I propose is that EXPERIENCED tank commanders who dont like to button up could be picked off, thereby greatly increasing the suppression of the vehicle, as well as possibly changing its characteristics in combat. Im sure the driver could still drive, and the gunner, fire, but their effectiveness overall would be curtailed.
Therefore, nations who benefit from high experience (like the germans) would also be taking a greater risk of loss.
What do you think... is it possible?