British OB amendments - Questions (Full Version)

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Zakalwe101 -> British OB amendments - Questions (4/19/2021 10:04:44 PM)

I am currently in the process of revising the OB for British Mechanised Infantry Battalions and Armoured Regiments .
Amongst the objectives to delete the erroneous 2inch Artillery platoons, and divide the company Milan Posts amongst the fighting platoons .
Spreading the 2inch mortars amongst the fighting platoons presents a problem in so much as the 2inch mortar was principally a weapon employed to provide illumination and smoke rounds (The HE rounds being very small), to permit them to continue to be classified as Artillery so they can fire Smoke appears not to work, so I have amended the 2inch mortar to have Illumination and smoke dischargers –

Question - what effect do smoke dischargers have in the game engine – how do I know if they have “worked “.

I have also removed the Scout car from the Squadron Commanders troop in Armoured Regiments, not only was this plainly wrong to have a scout car following the squadron commander round like Prince Ruperts poodle at Naseby but it also had the in game effect of continually forcing the Squadron Commanders troop to act like a recon unit.

I also need to change preferred stand off distance as the MILAN posts have a preferred standoff distance of 5 hexes (2500) when the weapon range is 4 hexes (2000) which means if placed in screen mode they have tendency to scoot before firing.

The same effect was apparent with the Armoured squadron commanders troop with a standoff distance of 9 hexes once again forcing the Squadron commanders troop to keep scooting away when in deliberate or hasty mode , and not being up with his Squadron.

Question - is there a table I can access to change preferred stand off distances.

Of course once I have done all this I'll have to work out HOW to replace the existing British forces in certain scenarios with my revised OB's !

CapnDarwin -> RE: British OB amendments - Questions (4/19/2021 11:50:34 PM)

Things to try for these items. My REd Storm familiarity is low these days dealing with all the new game engine stuff.

For the 2in(51mm) mortar try the following: Change type to mortar, remove the SW special, and add the SM special. Also, a good idea to make these "mortar" units their own unit/counter in a formation so you can order them to smoke. Smoke dischargers are a specific defense to being engaged by direct fire or ATGMs and get triggered in most cases if lased. There is no on-map indication that they fired or worked. All black-box calculation stuff.

As for standoff ranges in Red Storm, they are hardcoded based on unit types and orders. No external means to change them unfortuantely.

As for "replacing" forces in scenarios, the bad news is you will need to make "new" scenarios based on the originals and add your Brits to the game.

Thankfully in the new game engine many of these issues and limitations are dealt with and easier for the player to use and change. [8D]

Tazak -> RE: British OB amendments - Questions (4/25/2021 9:12:35 AM)


you may want to see something i did a while ago

Zakalwe101 -> RE: British OB amendments - Questions (4/27/2021 8:00:13 PM)

once again thanks for your prompt response - not as easy as I thought, I'll have to have a ponder on this ?

you've certaininy done a comprehensive revision of the British covering every issue I had (MILAN and 2inch ) apart from (unless I missed it) that damn scout car attached to the Armoured Squadron HQ,so I'll be using your revisions, I particuarly like how you have managed Battalion Milan posts, an old colleague who served with BAOR told me that how it was it done and that was what I have been somewhat clumsily trying to acheive.

HOPEFULY IF the British do figure in Southern Storm your OB will be used.



Tazak -> RE: British OB amendments - Questions (5/2/2021 10:51:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Zakalwe101

that damn scout car attached to the Armoured Squadron HQ


I think I did ponder over taking that out, although part of their TOE it was only used for the squadron commander to recce routes/forward or for a jolly about the countryside.

As I recall I did leave it more from a 'gamey' survivability standpoint as it allows the Sqn HQ to take 1 more hit

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