Joel Billings -> RE: Game keeps closing (6/1/2021 6:03:15 PM)
Sorry about your ongoing problems. When the game crashes to desktop, it should generate a crash dump file. Can you check if you have a crash dump file named like WarInTheEast2.exe.<number>.dmp in C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\CrashDumps . It's also best if you can get it to crash from loading in a save (or loading a scenario and doing just a few steps, like deleting all ADs and then running the air phase), please do that and then provide the dump file generated and the save or info for what you did in game so we can try to recreate it. Please zip up and attach the dump file and the save if there is one and attach it here, or email it to Also, please describe at what point it crashed for you in the game. Having the dxdiag and the crash dump (with save or steps to repeat) will hopefully give us a chance to figure out what's going wrong in your case. Thanks.