Unit Stacking (Full Version)

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LoneRunner -> Unit Stacking (4/28/2021 10:58:25 PM)

Probably the most unrealistic aspect of this great game is managing the traffic jam of units in a crowded front.

I realize movement of units in WWII involved enormous logistical issues. However attempting to find empty hexes for HQ units or air units near a battle feels gamey and many times does not make sense.

The no-stacking rule works for WIE because hexes are about 18 miles across. WAW hexes are 60 miles across. As a result not enough hexes are available in areas like Belgium or Leningrad to allow realistic placement of units. Did an HQ staff or a few air squadrons really occupy so much space that they displaced whole armies?

I recommend that stacking of air units and HQ units be allowed in WAW.

Torplexed -> RE: Unit Stacking (4/29/2021 12:27:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: LoneRunner

Probably the most unrealistic aspect of this great game is managing the traffic jam of units in a crowded front.

I realize movement of units in WWII involved enormous logistical issues. However attempting to find empty hexes for HQ units or air units near a battle feels gamey and many times does not make sense.

The no-stacking rule works for WIE because hexes are about 18 miles across. WAW hexes are 60 miles across. As a result not enough hexes are available in areas like Belgium or Leningrad to allow realistic placement of units. Did an HQ staff or a few air squadrons really occupy so much space that they displaced whole armies?

I recommend that stacking of air units and HQ units be allowed in WAW.

The same hold true for stacking naval units. You could have anchored every warship from every navy on the planet in the lagoon at Truk Atoll in 1942 with room to spare.

However, this is one of those wargames where you kinda have to bend history to fit the mechanics, not the other way around. I think if stackable units were doable, they likely would have been implemented by now.

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