The Great Patriotic Mud Offensive - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (Full Version)

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Beethoven1 -> The Great Patriotic Mud Offensive - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 7:02:05 PM)

This AAR is for a Grand Campaign game I am playing against Bread. Bread seems to be a skilled player who is putting on a good attack with Germany so far, from what I have seen.

For those who are interested in more detail, I have a more detailed AAR on the hex discord server ( You need to give yourself the grigsby role there to see it. I am posting in more detail there, partly because it is not visible for my opponent, but mostly because it is orders of magnitude easier to post screenshots there. I can just hit print screen in the game and then ctrl + v, and boom, screenshots are instantly in the AAR. Whereas on the forum here I have to use the clunky 1 screenshot-per-post file upload tool, or else mess around with an external image hosting service and then mess around with putting in the html code.

I had been thinking of posting a general overview here in any case, but another reason to post this now is there has also been some discussion in other AARs etc about how powerful (OP?) temporarily motorization seems to be. That has also been my experience in this game. But there are some particular aspects of temporary motorization that I think can make motorization of particular sorts of units even better - especially cheap and low quality units such as NKVD border guards and airborne brigades (though the latter are more valuable later in the game).

In addition, this AAR will also provide another example of a fortress city faring extremely poorly and seemingly not being worth it (at least not in 1941 for the Soviets). Odessa will fall in a single turn, before it was even isolated, despite having 7 divisions in it.

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 7:04:49 PM)

Without further ado, here is turn 1 in the north. Bread did a very strong opening focused seemingly on the north. It looked like he was sending either all or almost all of two full Panzer groups to the north. And what is more, not only did he send those, but he also used the temporary motorization feature to give multiple infantry divisions ~50 MP on turn 1. With the special turn 1 movement rules, those units can move very far, very fast, just like regular motorized divisions, and can allow for a more rapid and more aggressive opening from Germany.

By my count in looking at battle results, there were AT LEAST 3 extra motorized German infantry divisions on turn 1, 2 went to the north, and 1 went to Minsk. There may also have been others that didn't fight in battles that I saw, but which advanced much more quickly than usual due to this, which would allow a stronger push in the next few turns as well, with more infantry already at the front to support the Panzers.

One thing to notice about the German attack is that he largely went for routing my units rather than encircling them, in order to get a rapid advance that would not be too much held up by cleaning up pockets early, especially in the north.

Prior to starting this game, I had read HLYA's AAR against Gunnulf with the Leningrad rush strategy, and this looked a LOT like that to me. Except it appeared to be even more powerful and even more dangerous, due to the additional 3 (or more) temporarily motorized infantry divisions.

So, my response was to basically try to send everything that I could to defend in the north, and whatever I couldn't send to the north, I basically sent to the center. I set up a checkerboard delaying defense in the north for turn 1, and I cut off some of the spearhead with some sacrificial airborne/NKVD troops (not necessary to motorize them for that).

--- ok, now when I try to use the file upload tool here, I am getting an error message and it is not uploading. My screenshot is in .png format:

ASP 500.100 Error

An error occurred processing the page you requested.
Please see the details below for more information.
COM Error Number -2146825284 (0x800A0BBC)
File Name /forums/js/PGDUpload.asp
Line Number 566
Brief Description Write to file failed.
Script Name /forums/uploadpro.asp?memori=&deletefile=&mode=&messageid=

If this gets fixed, then I will probably re-try uploading later. For now I guess I will just post without screenshots, and if you want to see screenshots just go to discord (there are many more there to look at in any case).

- edit - issue with screenshots circumvented in a way that lets me more easily post multiple screenshots. So here is the north!


HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 7:10:25 PM)

Ya, has to be .jpg format. This system wont take the apple .png file type.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 7:14:14 PM)

If you are on a Mac you can easily convert the .png to a .jpg

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 7:21:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: HardLuckYetAgain

Ya, has to be .jpg format. This system wont take the apple .png file type.

Hmm, the uploading tool says "gif/txt/jpg/png/zip are supported," so PNG should be supported. I am on windows, but I was using the screenshots I had previously put to discord, saving to my computer, and then trying to re-upload.

The PNG format is the one automatically generated by print screen functionality in windows, so it is a pain in the ass if you have to reformat all screenshots to upload them (combined with 1 per post limitation and lack of copy/paste ability).

However I think I figured out a way to do this more easily. The screenshots are on discord, and discord gives them a url, so I should be able to paste them in via html. Let's see if this works, if so then that makes it a lot easier.

{image} {/image}

- edit - yes, this works, with the {} changed to [], so I will edit this in to the earlier post and proceed like this.

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 7:39:55 PM)

In the center, Bread made a wide Bialystok pocket, at least ~6 or so hexes wide everywhere, which normally would have been impossible to break. The pocket itself was probably smaller than average also because a lot of units were just routed out of it, which under ordinary conditions ought also to make it harder to break the pocket. It is true that Germany didn't put units spread out everywhere to block me from breaking the pocket that way, but it was wide enough that normally I strongly doubt he would have needed to.

However... a unit of NKVD border guards were lurking in the swamps... Stalin had famously decreed, "A chicken in every pot, and a truck for every NKVD border guard." Accordingly, the NKVD were motorized!

The great thing about motorizing the border guards (and also motorizing paratrooper units and other smaller units), which also makes it especially strong (OP?) is that it requires very little trucks to do so. In fact, the best units to motorize seem to be low strength units, ideally with ~400 men or so which are "unready." Units like this can require as few as 50 trucks or so to motorize, in addition to only costing 1 AP, rather than 2-3 AP and 1000-15000 trucks for a proper motorized division.

The NKVD border guards are especially good for this also because despite the very low cost to motorize them, they have the same zone of control as an ordinary infantry division. As far as I am concerned, NKVD border guards are the best Soviet units in the early turns especially, because they can delay Germany just as much as an infantry unit can. Both units will rout, but the NKVD border guards will take less losses in the process, since they have fewer men. And in addition, the NKVD are much cheaper to motorize. Unfortunately the AI starts disbanding the NKVD pretty soon after a few turns. If it were possible, I would prefer to train more instead :(

I had also motorized a regular infantry division near Minsk. That unit came within 1 hex of breaking the pocket there as well. If it had done so, then not only would the pocket have been broken, but the German tanks in the center would also have been cut off.


Also note that Minsk could have been liberated, except for the fact that Germany had temporarily motorized an infantry division in order to get it as far as Minsk on turn 1, so it had some of its own temporarily motorized extra units there.

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 7:47:43 PM)

In the south, the Axis opening, fortunately for me, was less frightening than in the north and center. There wasn't really much in the way of a Lvov pocket, but at the same time, they advanced far enough to activate the southern front. So I was able to get most units away in the Lvov area (without using the disbanding exploit). Lvov itself was also open, and I was able to drive two tank units with a total of ~600 tanks into Lvov itself:


I honestly don't know what I would have done if the South opening had been as good as in the north. As far as I know, no units were temporarily motorized by Germany in the south, but if they were, maybe things could have been worse there. Although it is less good for Germany to motorize there than in the north/center, due to lack of the special movement rules.

In any event, since I hadn't lost too much in the south so far, that strengthened my resolve to send all possible reserves to the north, and try to simply hold on in the south with what I had. In fact, I even ended up sending a few troops from the Southwestern front in the swamps railing into the center, to try to help head off the aggressive German opening.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 7:51:36 PM)

Thank you for sharing. Yes, there are two ways possible for the German inf to be in Minsk on the first turn. Motorization is one of them. There is another although I have not done the move yet myself.

Motorization in the South for Germany is where this will hurt the Soviets the most. Not necessarily on the first turn. But 48 movement point attacking infantry division can do a great deal of damage too on the first turn. I just don't have the time to show the forums how deadly this can be. Your North & South looks more than fine and I don't see any motorization of inf units there

I could have made a mess of LIAT's Germans in our game but I didn't want to because I feel this is too powerful. Maybe if my two German games are done I will show the forums. But until then I can't.

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 8:01:06 PM)

On Turn 2, in the north, Bread blew through my weak checkerboard screening forces and basically routed everything he touched, like a knife cutting through... well... cutting through bread, I guess? This was not unexpected, but at least it slowed him down a bit.

Unfortunately he also got across the Velikaya river, but that too was not unexpected. After all, the unit defending there had not even gotten off its trains yet, it was railed in from Moscow (normally those units would not even be going to the north, but probably to Smolensk, but I sent basically all possible units to the north that I could, to try to save it).

So on turn 2, I responded by setting up as much defense-in-depth around Pskov as I possibly could.


As you can imagine, this would result in further routs the next turn :D

An alternative name for this AAR might be "The Great Patriotic Rout." :D

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 8:02:46 PM)

Oh! There is more!!! Nice!

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 8:24:03 PM)

Yeah, since I can post screenshots more easily now (figuring out that discord automatically generates image URLs for me), I will keep going with this and maybe be more detailed than I originally intended. I may also start posting the main AAR here, or just copy/pasting from discord to here. It is easier to post first on discord though because of the screenshots, I think.

On turn 2, in the center, I pulled back a bit, but still was defending fairly forward, on the land bridge and with some units still in front of the Dnieper also.



Some of my units here were pretty weak. Unfortunately, as we will see, this would be my undoing on turn 3 in the center. Maybe defending partly in front of the Dnieper was a mistake, and likewise defending on the Berezina in turn 1 (but some units didn't really have enough MP behind it). Or maybe he would have easily broken the Dnieper on turn 2/3 in any case. If so, I wouldn't be surprised, Soviet units are definitely very brittle at this stage of the game, as they should be.

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 10:16:31 PM)

In the center, you can see that some of my units were still alive due to the pocket still being re-opened, and I tried to move them as close to the rail as possible to hopefully disrupt things a bit.


In the south, I pulled back. However, at this point in the game it was my intention to do a fighting retreat (this would change). I thought that I had pulled back enough in the south that Germany couldn't really do much or get to my troops, but I (slightly) underestimated how many MP German tanks can have.


I started pulling back towards Odessa also. I had not yet fully made up my mind as to whether and how much to put in Odessa. I was inclined to put troops there, in part if for no other reason than the fact that you start with the fortress city and don't have to pay AP for it, and just to see/test how it works.


Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 10:37:50 PM)

I am going to try just copy/pasting the text I wrote on discord to here, and put in links to the screenshots. Let me know if this format is hard to follow, but this is a very easy way to post updates, since I have already written this, though it does take some extra time copying in the screenshot links. This was written a few turns into the past on discord (currently we are on turn 6). At a certain point soon, I will probably keep the updates here a turn or two or three behind our current point in the game.

I got turn 3 back, and it looks like it was pretty eventful and significant
Soviets lost 284k men (quite a bit). About half of that was from the turn 1 pockets still being cleaned up, about half from fresh combat.

He totally abandoned the push into Estonia that he had been doing the previous turn (he took that port, then apparently just stopped):


The big thing though is this push to Pskov, he just started plowing through my defense-in-depth blob, and despite it being 4-5 layers deep was able to come fairly close to getting through it:


Also, unfortunately, some units got isolated, although not huge #s and not entirely unexpected. He also pushed a bit towards Velikie Luki, but didn't take it (or attack it, probably not enough MP). Probably it is good that I made sure to put at least one unit there.

The other major events were in the center. It looked earlier like he might be pushing towards Gomel, but he stopped (nothing there other than those 2 battles visible at the very bottom) and instead headed north towards Smolensk/Mogilev/Orsha:


And he apparently had enough MP to not only cross the river there, but to re-cross it no the other side (on small river).
At least by Soviet standards, I thought I had that part of the river reasonably well defended. On the north of the 3 hexes where he crossed I had the best tank division that Soviets had in the entire game (combat value of 5 with 400+ tanks and a 98% TOE and good morale). That was on reserve.
And in the other 2 hexes I had infantry divisions which, while presumably not great, were nonetheless classified as "ready"
but this was apparently not much of an obstacle. Center hex battle across the river:




north hex against my glorious 17th Tank Division, which had 456 tanks but nevertheless routed :frowning:


That battle had almost 4 to 1 odds despite how good that tank division supposedly was, the pride of the Red Army lol
not sure, but maybe he crossed the river first and then attacked that from the side (didn't think there would be enough MP for that, if that is what happened)

In the south, he apparently had enough MP to plow into my blob defense, despite me having pulled back, apparently it was not quite enough to eat up all the MP:


4 were infantry encircled there, though if I had retreated more, I had about that many divisions which didn't have MP to retreat any further (including at least 1 tank division)
One thing I noticed is a lot of my troops seem to have bad supply (soft factor shown here):


Also similar sorts of issues seem to exist in both north and south with supply
Less supply seems to have been received by most of my armies than how much they need. Also IIRC I had similar issues on the previous turn with supply:


I hadn't built any depots, because I was thinking that I didn't really need them because I was going to be generally retreating, and of course you don't want to spend AP on depots that then the Germans will capture.
And I had been disbanding depots, though only when I was quite sure they would be captured.
But it is not like I disbanded depots that I had a good chance of keeping the next turn, for example Pskov/Velikie Luki/Vitebsk/Smolensk/Gomel were all not disbanded
I only disbanded Mogilev and Vinnitisia (both of which were in fact captured)
And in the south I didn't disband Zhytomyr/Kiev/Odessa or anything like that
I wonder, am I doing anything wrong with the supply?
Unless you are really supposed to build depots in June '41, the only thing I can really think of that maybe I did "wrong" was that I redeployed my reserves by rail to the Leningrad area and to the center.
Maybe that ate up too much rail capacity or something and supply then could not get through as a result?
But if that is so, then that would basically mean that Soviets don't have enough rail cap to be able to respond to e.g. a big attack towards Leningrad.
That would mean that it isn't even really viable to try to do any sort of fighting retreat, because if you send your units to fight then you don't have supply
IDK if that is the case or if I was doing anything else wrong, but if that is any significant part of my problem on turn 3, then I really don't see how it is possible to defend Leningrad especially against a Germany player who sends some of the AGC panzers to help push Leningrad at the start and/or who motorizes some of their infantry divisions.

At least Germany lost 361 tanks last turn. Not sure how many they can replace, but that at least sounds like a lot. Hopefully those are not sustainable losses and if that keeps happening then hopefully it will mean the German push starts running out of momentum.


Air losses are also relatively favorable over the last 2 turns (I have not seen much sign of the Luftwaffe):


Anyway in the south, based on the fact that I ended up getting a few units encircled despite a significant retreat behind a continuous river line, I am more persuaded that probably the only thing that is really viable as a strategy is just to run.
And probably for the most part don't even try any sort of orderly retreat and don't try to cover for any straggler divisions that are a bit lower on MP
Just run at full speed in a chaotic/disorderly manner probably
Also I am less sure that it makes any sense to try to defend Fastov, and I am starting to regret building forts in various places (including Kiev/Cherkasy/etc), since probably Germany will get there very soon over the next turn or 2 probably at most, and I am not sure even a single fort level will be completed
I sort of doubt, given the pace of the German advance, that defending Fastov (even if succesful and if it doesn't result in further encirclemnt) would really slow the pace of rail repair
Given that in the north the Dnieper was not much of a barrier at all, maybe for any chance to hold there (even holding just until the infantry catches up) you need to dig in more, which would mean you should not defend anywhere else and just immediately retreat to there starting turn 1
Overall, this game so far is making me think that motorizing infantry is very very strong and might be OP/unbalanced (unless it really does cause significant logistical problems later, which does remain to be seen), and also so far makes me think that the best strategy for Germany at least for the first few turns is just to push as far and as fast as humanly possible (ignoring things like CPP running low, just push straight on).
The biggest problem for Soviets in making a defense is that at any given turn, any German infantry division could suddenly be changed to become motorized and then have a much larger than expected # of MPs.

carlkay58 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/2/2021 11:46:47 PM)

Yes the Soviets have to build depots in 41. They start with depots covering the original front line fairly well but then only a few major cities have depots already in the rear. All ports automatically have depots but the center relies on a single depot in Smolensk. Even the depots that exist at the start of the war in the rear areas have low priorities and these have to be adjusted up. You need the depots to get your supplies to the troops without using trucks from your National Supply Sources (NSS). Your closest NSS is Moscow but even that means LONG truck transports. A better supply net (and it will take a while to build one up) will also give your units better CVs and morale benefits (i.e. no supply penalties) and the Soviets need every helpful thing they can get in 41.

First build depots at every railyard that is two or more then build some in the level 1 railyards - don't bother building a depot where there is not a railyard until you have the construction units called up and on the map - about turn 5 or 6. Anything before that time will just suck up resources without really getting you anywhere. After you have the construction units on the map you can start worrying about depots where there are no existing railyards and also building up some air bases. By this time you will have a better idea where you will be trying to build a defensive line.

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 12:35:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: carlkay58

Yes the Soviets have to build depots in 41. They start with depots covering the original front line fairly well but then only a few major cities have depots already in the rear. All ports automatically have depots but the center relies on a single depot in Smolensk. Even the depots that exist at the start of the war in the rear areas have low priorities and these have to be adjusted up. You need the depots to get your supplies to the troops without using trucks from your National Supply Sources (NSS). Your closest NSS is Moscow but even that means LONG truck transports. A better supply net (and it will take a while to build one up) will also give your units better CVs and morale benefits (i.e. no supply penalties) and the Soviets need every helpful thing they can get in 41.

First build depots at every railyard that is two or more then build some in the level 1 railyards - don't bother building a depot where there is not a railyard until you have the construction units called up and on the map - about turn 5 or 6. Anything before that time will just suck up resources without really getting you anywhere. After you have the construction units on the map you can start worrying about depots where there are no existing railyards and also building up some air bases. By this time you will have a better idea where you will be trying to build a defensive line.

Thanks for that. One thing I noticed is that in some of the places I started subsequently building depots, it started constructing railyards. At least in some places, this seemed like a BAD thing for me as the Soviets, because if the depots are built in places that Germany is going to capture, then that simply means that Germany will capture more railyards, and this will then help German supply. I hadn't thought to look at where railyards were for deciding where to build depots, but I guess it makes sense that you need to build one to unload supplies from the trains. I am not sure if there are enough cities with railyards to build depots only on places with railyards, but if not this seems to me like something that disfavors forward defense for the Soviets. If you are going to have to build depots to get supply, and the depot will build a railyard that Germany can then capture and which will then improve German supply, probably better to just run and not build the depot. In those cases where I already built some depots like that, hopefully if I disband the depot before the railyard is finished, then maybe Germany won't capture the in-progress railyard?

CapAndGown -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 2:12:59 AM)

I think a big problem the Soviets have with supply is the crappy admin scores of their leaders. Depots are certainly an issue, but as you point out, I don't want to be building things for the Germans. For instance, I thought there was naturally a rail yard at Unecha (Southwest of Bryansk). It turns out the Soviets had created it and I simply took it over. Very nice of the Russians to do that for me! So I would have the factory display on while choosing where to position depots so that you can see where pre-exsisting rail yards are before creating a depot. Unfortunately, that means you are going to have wide expanses not near any depot. For instance, north of the Dnepr between Kiev and Kharkov there are almost no rail yards. Nevertheless, I am not going to build any just so the Germans can capture them. (Same goes for airfields; the only ones I have built have been east of Moscow.)

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 3:15:59 AM)

And now back to your regularly scheduled Great Patriotic Motorization! Yes, there will be more motorization to come! A motor for every Comrade! Or rather, for every Paratrooper and NKVD Border Guard! We don't have that many motors, so we will give them to those guys.

End of Soviet turn 3. In the north, I cut off (temporarily) supply to a lot of the German units pushing Pskov/Leningrad. This was accomplished by moving around the infantry within the not-very-sealed pockets to link up with each other, and in addition by a motorized brigade that had been sitting in Pskov and had high movement points. This is most or all of 2 German Panzer Groups:


Note that although I used a motorized brigade for this, if I didn't happen to have one lying around at exactly the right place, I could have simply motorized any of my units to do the same thing.

Previously I have not found doing this to have that much effect on the actual ability of German Panzers and Motorized divisions to push, but it also means that my pocketed units will survive for at least one more turn and probably at least some will end up getting routed out. Hopefully it might also delay rail repair.

The main downside here is the probable loss of the motorized brigade, in particular the motorized brigade has almost 1000 trucks in it. I am not sure how the truck capturing mechanics work, but if it means that Germany would capture 1000 trucks, then you could argue that this might not even be worth it potentially, since over the longer term that would presumably help German logistics.

I also re-established significant defense in depth, as well as starting to put more than one division on some hexes (in particular the ones covering the flank of Pskov in heavy forest and/or rough terrain).

I expected this to make it hard-to-impossible to capture pskov in one turn at least. The more realistic immediate threat here is probably a renewed push up towards Lake Ilmen/Novgorod, and then threatening the flank of Pskov from the side.

Also further to the north I am starting to fill in some units on the Novgorod/Luga defense line. This is mostly units that are refitting, and once they are ready will get cycled back into the meatgrinder, while other units further forward which become unready/depleted will get cycled back into the front for as long as we can delay in front of the Luga/Novgorod area.

I also set more reserves to be deployed in the north at the end of the turn. One thing also to start being concerned about is if Germany tries to go around the south of Lake Ilmen (Starya Russa) and potentially cut off the rail line between Moscow and Leningrad, so one of the reserve divisions will be deployed there to have at least something guarding there. Gradually more troops will be added there.

In the center I decided to fall back to defend in Vitebsk/Smolensk and the road to Bryansk/Gomel in good terrain. I could easily have taken a more aggressive approach and tried to counterattack and get in between some of the German regiments, but I decided at this stage it wasn't really worth the risk. So I just put in 2 sacrificial small units (1 para and AT brigade) to slow things down.


Part of my reason for doing this was I thought it was possible that in the next turn Germany might overextend further and provide a better opportunity to do something more aggressive. But on the other hand, if Germany didn't and pretty much just sat there, that would give me some time to entrench and strengthen my defenses a bit more, which would not be a bad thing. Given the high losses the previous turn, I also was concerned about just how many losses I could really afford from putting a bunch of units out in clear terrain and waiting for them to get routed.

The other really big thing, however, was that in addition to cutting off German units in the north, I also cut off this snake/spearhead. This time the culprit was an Airborne Brigade that I motorized for a cost of 1 AP and a grand total of 65 trucks (yes, only 65 trucks needed to cut off an entire Panzer Group):


I was going to try to make the pocket a bit wider at the cost of sacrificing another unit or two, not with any expectatation that it would hold, but because that would mean German infantry could not move into the area taken by the tanks and across the Dnieper in one turn, so it would have maybe slowed the German advance further by up to a turn or so by delaying the infantry.

However there was a German infantry division there (the one with the question mark) 3 hexes to the south of Krupki which was not originally visible and didn't show up on my recon.

In the swamps I cut off one cavalry division temporarily. German infantry also were approaching towards Gomel. The question was where will they start going - will they try to cross directly at Gomel? Or go south through the swamps (where I don't really have units currently to stop them, and the only thing stopping them is really the extra time and supply difficulties), or do they simply just go north and cross near Orsha, where Germany already crossed, and then start pushing south?


Meanwhile in the South, I reluctantly pulled all the way back to the Dnieper. The main reason for that was the losses I took the previous turn, and also the fact that Germany had crossed the Dnieper so easily in the north when I tried to defend in front of the Dnieper and delay there in the north. That had clearly not worked.there, so I was hoping that falling back more quickly this time and having some time to entrench and to re-equip unready units might work better.


The other thing here is that the small-ish pocket in the south was also broken. The unit that broke the pocket was a brave NKVD border guards unit, with 433 brave men who boarded 51 trucks for another temporary motorization cost of 1 AP (in addition to the truck cost).

I doubt I would have done this if I had to motorize and sacrifice an actual infantry division to do it, but for an understrength NKVD border guards unit that only needed 51 trucks to get the job done, it was definitely worth it.
Overall, this turn clearly shows that motorizing units is very powerful for breaking pockets, and tbh potentially it might be OP.

In particular if all you need is just enough MP to move one unit in to temporarily break a pocket, then it seems particularly cost-effective to use in combination with cheap/low manpower units, especially if they are understrength. That makes units like NKVD border guards and paratroopers the best for this.

Actually if you have full strength AT brigades you could potentially use those for the same purpose, since those can get up to 35 or so MP.

I would have liked to defend in the south in Fastov at the least a bit (this was my earlier intent/plan), but I was afraid that if I did, the same thing would happen that happened in the Smolensk-area part of the Dnieper, namely Germany could just end up crossing easily against units that were not dug in and prepared behind the river.

So now a big question is how well can the Dnieper hold, and for how long...
In the far south, I started pulling troops back to Odessa. Basically nothing in the southern front has fought in any sort of combat so far:


My plan here is (I guess) to stick 7 divisions into the fortress, and pull all the other units back behind the Dnieper:

But it seems like a pretty big problem that all of the infantry here are somewhat under-strength (they have about 8000 men each).

So I am really not sure how well those will hold, as in effect it is less than 7 divisions if you take into account how understrength they are. I did put those divisions on refit this turn, but hadn't done so on any previous turns (maybe I should have). Even if they were fully strength divisions, I am still not entirely sure how worth it it would be to leave a bunch of divisions

But (I guess?) I am going to try it at least in this case. Part of the reason is to simply see first how how it works and to try it at least once.
Although I am really not sure it will work basically at all. I still have at least one more turn though where I could potentially pull either most or everything out.

Also potentially I could pull some units out in a future turn once Odessa is surrounded, depending on the naval interdiction situation and on whether it holds at least initially for any time whatsoever.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that I did a lot of ground attack bombing against the German Panzer divisions that had been cut off, both in the north and around Smolensk.

This didn't have much visible effect, and I lost about 300 bombers doing this (mostly to operational losses, but also quite a few to flak). But at least it had more visible effect than interdiction, since interdiction appears to do essentially nothing of any value. At least regular bombing does actually destroy some equipment/troops, and I think it may also lower CPP or increase fatigue or something like that (not sure of the details though).

That's all until next turn, when we will continue the Greatly Patriotic Motorization. Which unit(s) will be motorized next turn, anyone want to guess?

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 3:24:43 AM)



I think a big problem the Soviets have with supply is the crappy admin scores of their leaders. Depots are certainly an issue, but as you point out, I don't want to be building things for the Germans. For instance, I thought there was naturally a rail yard at Unecha (Southwest of Bryansk). It turns out the Soviets had created it and I simply took it over. Very nice of the Russians to do that for me! So I would have the factory display on while choosing where to position depots so that you can see where pre-exsisting rail yards are before creating a depot. Unfortunately, that means you are going to have wide expanses not near any depot. For instance, north of the Dnepr between Kiev and Kharkov there are almost no rail yards. Nevertheless, I am not going to build any just so the Germans can capture them. (Same goes for airfields; the only ones I have built have been east of Moscow.)

And sure enough, I built a depot somewhere between Kiev and Kharkov, and we are constructing a railyard for Germany there now :D Yeah, I am going to make sure to only build depots where there is already a railyard for a while now, thanks!

M60A3TTS -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 4:00:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: Beethoven1
north hex against my glorious 17th Tank Division, which had 456 tanks but nevertheless routed :frowning:


That battle had almost 4 to 1 odds despite how good that tank division supposedly was, the pride of the Red Army lol
not sure, but maybe he crossed the river first and then attacked that from the side (didn't think there would be enough MP for that, if that is what happened)

P. Filatov has no business having a tank division in his army. He's mech rating 2.

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 4:17:35 AM)



P. Filatov has no business having a tank division in his army. He's mech rating 2.

Yeah, I hadn't changed any generals yet (all AP that were not used on motorization were used on forts, which was probably a mistake), and for the generals all I looked at was the overall rating, not the specifics. There is one general in the western front that starts off with a 2.5 rating, at least I avoided him :D

Of the starting generals, are there any that are significantly better? e.g. giving a tank division to someone with a 3 mech rating rather than a 2 rating probably would not make too much difference. For a larger difference you probably need to spend AP on a better general like Rokossovsky or someone.

Up to this point in the game, I had spent 5 AP on temporary motorization (1 on NKVD on turn 1, 2 on infantry division turn 1, 1 on paratrooper turn 3, and 1 on the NKVD turn 3). I also accidentally built a fort in the wrong hex near Leningrad and wasted 2 AP on that misclick. That would be close to enough for 1 general, albeit only on one single part of the front (and I probably would have put them in Leningrad anyway).

CapAndGown -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 4:47:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Beethoven1

Of the starting generals, are there any that are significantly better? e.g. giving a tank division to someone with a 3 mech rating rather than a 2 rating probably would not make too much difference. For a larger difference you probably need to spend AP on a better general like Rokossovsky or someone.

It may be too early to switch out generals as they could get caught in a pocket and killed. Some corps commanders that stand out are Belov, in charge of 2 cav corps; Batov in charge of 9 rifle corps (excellent mech rating); Zakharov, 8 rifle corps; Yushkevish, who was in charge of some rifle corps, but just converted to an army; Zhadov, 4 airborne corps.

Some of these may not start out in the corps I listed since I have had some casualties and replacements. At any rate, I would evaluate all my corps commanders and any with a skill rating and/or admin rating of 4 or less I would take that HQ, set its max TOE to 50% and send it off to the reserve. That way, any corps HQs remaining on the map are ones you have vetted for decent leadership. Some of these folk are better than you initial army commanders. So use them where you can without spending the AP to change army commands. (It just occurred to me that a gamey way to get some new commanders would be to let some of your crappy HQ get pocketed and have them displace out of the pocket. This is a good way to get leaders killed and replaced. [:D])

M60A3TTS -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 4:55:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Beethoven1



P. Filatov has no business having a tank division in his army. He's mech rating 2.

Yeah, I hadn't changed any generals yet (all AP that were not used on motorization were used on forts, which was probably a mistake), and for the generals all I looked at was the overall rating, not the specifics. There is one general in the western front that starts off with a 2.5 rating, at least I avoided him :D

Of the starting generals, are there any that are significantly better? e.g. giving a tank division to someone with a 3 mech rating rather than a 2 rating probably would not make too much difference. For a larger difference you probably need to spend AP on a better general like Rokossovsky or someone.

Up to this point in the game, I had spent 5 AP on temporary motorization (1 on NKVD on turn 1, 2 on infantry division turn 1, 1 on paratrooper turn 3, and 1 on the NKVD turn 3). I also accidentally built a fort in the wrong hex near Leningrad and wasted 2 AP on that misclick. That would be close to enough for 1 general, albeit only on one single part of the front (and I probably would have put them in Leningrad anyway).

My first AP spend of the game is typically replacing 20th Army Commander Fyodor Remezov with Fyodor Tolbukhin.


Week 2 that army is under an assault HQ so has a command capacity of 28. That's 14 divisions. If those divisions are good, this army can have an impact.

M60A3TTS -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 5:05:51 AM)




ORIGINAL: Beethoven1

Of the starting generals, are there any that are significantly better? e.g. giving a tank division to someone with a 3 mech rating rather than a 2 rating probably would not make too much difference. For a larger difference you probably need to spend AP on a better general like Rokossovsky or someone.

It may be too early to switch out generals as they could get caught in a pocket and killed. Some corps commanders that stand out are Belov, in charge of 2 cav corps; Batov in charge of 9 rifle corps (excellent mech rating); Zakharov, 8 rifle corps; Yushkevish, who was in charge of some rifle corps, but just converted to an army; Zhadov, 4 airborne corps.

Some of these may not start out in the corps I listed since I have had some casualties and replacements. At any rate, I would evaluate all my corps commanders and any with a skill rating and/or admin rating of 4 or less I would take that HQ, set its max TOE to 50% and send it off to the reserve. That way, any corps HQs remaining on the map are ones you have vetted for decent leadership. Some of these folk are better than you initial army commanders. So use them where you can without spending the AP to change army commands. (It just occurred to me that a gamey way to get some new commanders would be to let some of your crappy HQ get pocketed and have them displace out of the pocket. This is a good way to get leaders killed and replaced. [:D])

Belov is fine with infantry, but at mech 3 is squarely an infantry commander. Batov is fine with mech at 6, but has a pedestrian infantry rating of 5. You can get away with starting him in a cav HQ that won't disband for a while and giving him some mech/tank divisions. Zakharov is a fine choice, but at mech 5, there are a few mech 6 leaders that match his infantry 7 rating, like Rokossovsky. Still you never go wrong with him. Yushkevich at mech 3 is squarely an infantry leader like Belov, and a solid one. Ditto Zhadov.

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 6:30:54 AM)



It may be too early to switch out generals as they could get caught in a pocket and killed. Some corps commanders that stand out are Belov, in charge of 2 cav corps; Batov in charge of 9 rifle corps (excellent mech rating); Zakharov, 8 rifle corps; Yushkevish, who was in charge of some rifle corps, but just converted to an army; Zhadov, 4 airborne corps.

Yeah, I was using all of those corps commanders (also Rokossovsky). I sent basically all the other corps HQs to national reserve on 50% max TOE setting, waiting for them to disband.



My first AP spend of the game is typically replacing 20th Army Commander Fyodor Remezov with Fyodor Tolbukhin.

Week 2 that army is under an assault HQ so has a command capacity of 28. That's 14 divisions. If those divisions are good, this army can have an impact.

I probably should have done that, but I wasted a lot of AP on forts. In particular it seems that forts in hexes other than cities/urban fill up with equipment very slowly. For example, I built some forts on the Narva and Luga lines, and these constructed virtually 0 forts. I probably should have tried that/found it out in single player first. I was also advised by another Soviet player to build forts in every city that could be captured in 1941. Even in cities, forts seem to get going pretty slowly, although they at least do something.

I did also get Tolbukhin, but only on turn 3 or 4 or so.

Also, I was wondering if there is some real reason to not upgrade the generals yet, since HLYA didn't do that. The logic suggested from CapAndGown of reducing the risk of them getting killed in a pocket makes some sense, I would definitely be worried about that with using good generals very early on (particular if you are trying to do a fighting retreat rather than simply to run).

However, I am somewhat surprised about using an assault army, is that really worth it for Soviets in the early game, since you don't entrench as much then? On the defensive doesn't CPP mostly just help have a bit higher chance of having artillery join the battles mostly? I have gotten up to level 2 forts in various places with normal generals as of turn 5/6 or so.

loki100 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 7:13:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Beethoven1



It may be too early to switch out generals as they could get caught in a pocket and killed. Some corps commanders that stand out are Belov, in charge of 2 cav corps; Batov in charge of 9 rifle corps (excellent mech rating); Zakharov, 8 rifle corps; Yushkevish, who was in charge of some rifle corps, but just converted to an army; Zhadov, 4 airborne corps.

Yeah, I was using all of those corps commanders (also Rokossovsky). I sent basically all the other corps HQs to national reserve on 50% max TOE setting, waiting for them to disband.



My first AP spend of the game is typically replacing 20th Army Commander Fyodor Remezov with Fyodor Tolbukhin.

Week 2 that army is under an assault HQ so has a command capacity of 28. That's 14 divisions. If those divisions are good, this army can have an impact.

I probably should have done that, but I wasted a lot of AP on forts. In particular it seems that forts in hexes other than cities/urban fill up with equipment very slowly. For example, I built some forts on the Narva and Luga lines, and these constructed virtually 0 forts. I probably should have tried that/found it out in single player first. I was also advised by another Soviet player to build forts in every city that could be captured in 1941. Even in cities, forts seem to get going pretty slowly, although they at least do something.

I did also get Tolbukhin, but only on turn 3 or 4 or so.

Also, I was wondering if there is some real reason to not upgrade the generals yet, since HLYA didn't do that. The logic suggested from CapAndGown of reducing the risk of them getting killed in a pocket makes some sense, I would definitely be worried about that with using good generals very early on (particular if you are trying to do a fighting retreat rather than simply to run).

However, I am somewhat surprised about using an assault army, is that really worth it for Soviets in the early game, since you don't entrench as much then? On the defensive doesn't CPP mostly just help have a bit higher chance of having artillery join the battles mostly? I have gotten up to level 2 forts in various places with normal generals as of turn 5/6 or so.

1 - Most Soviet Corps don't disband, also you want to find a way to increase their effective TOE not reduce it


2 - a good leader commanding a low TOE HQ will not perform that well (the missing support squads)


3 - CPP boosts MP and ofsets low admin scores, something that the Soviets just have to put up with for most of the game, otherwise

Nix77 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 7:22:50 AM)




ORIGINAL: Beethoven1



P. Filatov has no business having a tank division in his army. He's mech rating 2.

Yeah, I hadn't changed any generals yet (all AP that were not used on motorization were used on forts, which was probably a mistake), and for the generals all I looked at was the overall rating, not the specifics. There is one general in the western front that starts off with a 2.5 rating, at least I avoided him :D

Of the starting generals, are there any that are significantly better? e.g. giving a tank division to someone with a 3 mech rating rather than a 2 rating probably would not make too much difference. For a larger difference you probably need to spend AP on a better general like Rokossovsky or someone.

Up to this point in the game, I had spent 5 AP on temporary motorization (1 on NKVD on turn 1, 2 on infantry division turn 1, 1 on paratrooper turn 3, and 1 on the NKVD turn 3). I also accidentally built a fort in the wrong hex near Leningrad and wasted 2 AP on that misclick. That would be close to enough for 1 general, albeit only on one single part of the front (and I probably would have put them in Leningrad anyway).

My first AP spend of the game is typically replacing 20th Army Commander Fyodor Remezov with Fyodor Tolbukhin.


Week 2 that army is under an assault HQ so has a command capacity of 28. That's 14 divisions. If those divisions are good, this army can have an impact.

Tolbukhin standing fast on the land bridge at the helm of the 20th Army is my regular turn 1-2 move too :D

And Beethoven1, thanks for the brilliant report on the Great Temporary Motoriotic War ;)

56ajax -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/3/2021 9:34:16 AM)


Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/9/2021 6:23:04 PM)

I'm a little bit behind on this AAR (game is currently on turn 9). But never fear, motorization is here! Thanks to all the extra MP, hopefully the AAR can catch up quickly, with the help of the extra movement points.

Start of turn 4:

Germany didn't do that much this turn compared to previous turns (probably makes sense under the circumstances):


In the north my reserves started deploying around Novgorod etc. In the north he consolidated his position. One or two of my units there were in the rear got routed out to safety, but 5 divisions (4 infantry and the 1 motorized brigade) are re-isolated.

However.... look at that paratrooper I have sitting in the swamps. It has 12 MP, and you seem to get 3x as many MP by motorizing units, so at a cost of 1 AP I think to motorize another paratrooper, I am thinking it would be worth re-opening the pocket there yet again.

In Estonia it looks like I have to start getting concerned about getting some sort of defense put up on the Narva river...


I am not sure how many MP he will have there and how far he can get in one turn, but I definitely don't want him to cross there

Also the forts that I built seem to be doing almost nothing still in building up fortification levels. They are simply not filling in with manpower very well. :( That one shown in the screenshot still only has 3 men in the fort!

I am not sure how to approach Estonia, options include:

a) pulling back from Tallinn to free up more troops.
b) sending full reserve divisions to start digging in along the Narva to make sure there is no coup de grace (this would unfortunately detract from the defense around Pskov.
c) sending in more reserves (the problem is any reserves that I deploy this turn that are not on the map won't appear until my next turn, so if he has enough MP to get across the Narva in one turn they would be too late. Also they would not have much time to dig in.

And this turn there are very few new on-map reserves deployed, almost all the new troops got put into the national reserve after the Moscow/Leningrad militia divisions appeared last turn.

In general I am pretty sure that building as many forts as I did was probably not a great idea. I was expecting them to fill up and start doing at least a bit of construction more quickly. In some places (Smolensk and Cherkasy especially) the forts might actually detract from my defense, since they take up 1 of 3 unit slots while apparently doing effectively nothing. So I probably should have built less forts and/or built them further back for the most part.

In the center basically nothing visible happened, except some infantry (126th infantry division here) advanced towards Vitebsk from Polotsk, and of course the Germans un-encircled themselves easily:


The brave 670 men in the 8th (MOTORIZED) airborne brigade sadly shattered. But their sacrifice will be remembered in the annals of great patriotic temporary motorization:


If you look at the river crossing area, it is interesting and potentially informative to look at which hexes he took (and just as importantly, didn't take). He didn't take any more hexes on the north side of the Dvina river, which means that not a single division crossed over to the north side. Also the Panzer regiments that were there last turn are gone, they seem to have crossed back to the south side.

That is very interesting... to me what it suggests is that next turn he is probably not intending to attack towards Vitebsk with his Panzers, but instead the Panzers are going to be heading somewhere in the area between Smolensk and Gomel. If the Panzers are not going to Vitebsk, that probably means that either he doesn't think he needs them to take Vitebsk and can just take Vitebsk with infantry, or alternatively that Vitebsk is not that important to him relative to pushing eastwards. Maybe he is not repairing the rail line currently that goes through Vitebsk, for one thing, and is repairing the one that goes from Minsk through Orsha towards Smolensk, but doesn't go through Vitebsk (that would sort of make sense given the direction of the attack last turn also).

I think there are some other potentially important clues as to German intentions further south around Gomel.


Look at the 3 divisions circled in red, which have a combined offensive combat value of 47 (18 + 29). Now the question is, why would you march up 3 infantry divisions there and get them into the Soviet troops ZOC unless you planned to attack across the river either there or very close to there? He alternatively could have just sent those divisions just slightly further north to where he ALREADY crossed the river (or could have sent most of them except maybe 1 or so division just to take the territory and guard his flanks, maybe broken down into brigades).

He also advanced in the blue area, and in the black circled area he linked up with the cavalry division that I had isolated the previous turn.

The cavalry division itself btw didn't move. Anyway, this makes me suspect that he is probably planning to try and make a 2nd crossing somewhere in this general area around Gomel, most likely at the hex where he already has 3 divisions and which can be attacked from multiple sides. I suspect he may want to repair that double rail line going through Gomel, and maybe he suspects that my forces are weak in this are (in fact they are pretty weak there)

So this makes me concerned about my southern flank there. I would like to reinforce it to the degree possible. 1 river crossing is enough, I would rather not have a 2nd one as well... The problem is I don't have that many troops to reinforce with in the area...

So in the center, the main things I am concerned about are these possibilities:


1) He may try to attack south of Smolensk (or possibly directly on Smolensk itself, but that is probably less likely before the infantry catches up) as in the red arrow. There is a small avenue of attack there through clear terrain towards Yelnya, to threaten the southern flank of Smolensk.

2) He may try to attack in the blue area towards Bryansk. This is probably a bit less likely since it doesn't threaten Smolensk as much, and there is not a double rail line there.

3) He may try to attack along the black line and potentially try to encircle my troops in that area. If so, this might make sense of the expected river crossing attempt in the south, that could potentially be used to expand the bridgehead and encircle my troops there.

4) In general he may/probably will try to get across the river in the south along the double rail lines highlighted in yellow. That may or may not be combined with a crossing attempt in the southern of the 2 black lines.

What I am NOT that concerned about, comparatively, though is a Panzer attack towards Vitebsk or else on the northern flank of Smolensk, because if he were going to do that, it would not make any sense to withdraw his Panzers back across to the southern side of the Dnieper.

So insofar as possible I would like to reinforce against those expected possible avenues of attack to the east. In the south, not much happened. From that little pocket that I had opened up, 3 infantry divisions routed out rather than being encircled. 1 infantry division shattered. So basically I lost significantly less than I probably should have there, due to the sacrifice of the 433 men of the MOTORIZED NKVD border guards (1 AP cost and like 50 trucks):


So I can retreat some extra units to the river as a result (although they are not in good shape, they nevertheless have 16k men between them), and probably within one or two turns of refitting can be back to "ready" status. Also of the units I didn't have MP to get behind the river, the depleted tank unit didn't get encircled, 1 infantry division did. So overall I should not lose very much from my quick retreat to the Dnieper. In the far south, he pushed towards Odessa with motorized units. This looks like my last real opportunity this turn to get anything out of Odessa via land that I want to get out via land. Everything not out this turn will have to stay, either permanently, or unless/until it either surrenders or gets evacuated by sea.


I should also probably be concerned about whether any of those motorized units can get across the Dnieper either next turn, or the turn after that, before I have defenses deployed there... [:(] I definitely do not want Germany to cross the river into an undefended hex without a fight, so I will have to beef up the defenses sufficiently to ensure that does not happen.

He probably does not have enough MP for that (I would hope), but I am not sure quite how much movement is possible in one or two turns. I also still have an opportunity to decide not to leave that many troops in Odessa, and instead to send more back for river defense. Again, these infantry divisions in the Odessa area, despite not having actually fought a single battle, are fairly under-strength at around 8000 men each, so I am also not sure how well/how long they would hold out in Odessa in any case:


I do have a pretty good number of reserve units I can deploy this turn, both infantry and cavalry, but they won't actually appear on the map until my next turn AFAIK (after Germany has moved):


--- editorial note --- at this point in the game, as of turn 9, I think that my deployment of the massive number of turn 4 reserves was probably my biggest mistake so far. I ultimately deployed them basically all in the south, but I should have put at least some in the north and probably a few around Smolensk area also.

Looking at the situation more broadly, as of turn 4, I have lost just under 1 million men in total:



My supply problems were basically resolved last turn, with my truck pool back up to ~12,500, although there are some lingering after effects and it will take another turn or 2 for some undersupplied units to get towards ideal supply status.


I started putting the naval bombers in Crimea (along with a lot of level bombers and some fighters) to be ready to try to support Odessa. FWIW there hasn't been too much activity visible from the Luftwaffe since turn 1.


Next up, the Great Patriotic Turn 4 motorization moves!

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/9/2021 6:44:44 PM)

Turn 4 Soviet action (or should I say, motorization) phase. Let the motorization begin! 174 trucks and 1 AP you say? Sounds like it is worth it:


That increases it from 12 to 36 MP (seems to triple the MP in general):


Pocket opened and the paratrooper division also has enough MP to move 1 back as well if I want to (will hold off on that until I see how the rest shakes out though):


3 prime candidates for motorization. In general what you want to look for in suicide motorization candidates are units that are low strength (not full divisions), and therefore cost only 1 AP and a small # of trucks to motorize. In other words, units such as NKVD border guards and paratroopers can often be the best units to motorize:


I can displace a HQ, presumably that is the Panzer Group HQ:


3 Panzers can be cut off again plus one motorized, just will need to link it up with another unit on the other side:


I pulled out of Tallinn with 2 divisions and preserved them to defend the Narva river. It seemed to me like the only real reason to defend Tallinn is the VP (which in the first place I don't like and am inclined to downplay), but Tallinn held historically until turn 10. That means that you have to hold it something like that long at least to deny Germany the bonus VPs from taking it early, which is not really feasible without a larger commitment.


The only other benefits of Pskov I can see are it helps a bit with supply for Germany via the port, but... At least in this game, if there is anything that is going to make German supply worse around Leningrad later, it is continuing to hold Pskov and stopping more German advance there.

Air supply was dropped to the 5 divisions that had been encircled. Although they were no longer technically isolated, they were still in a perilous position.


So....... Stalin ordered, and Soviet propaganda made much of, THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE

THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE was to be perhaps the greatest offensive of all time. The narrow objective of the THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE was simply to try to relieve the 5 surrounded divisions as much as possible, and in the process also put pressure on the flank of the German advance up the Pskov valley area towards Lake Ilmen.

However, in his less lucid and more delusional moments, Stalin imagined greater things for THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE! General Kuznetsov's Northwestern Front would attack to the North-East from the Velikie Luki area up towards Pskov and the German Panzers! This would force Germany to guard its flank, and thereby it would "restore the situation" on the approaches to Leningrad. All would be well in the wake of THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE!!!

Soviet soldiers go on the attack in the Great Patriotic Velikie Luki Offensive (kindly ignore the snow, Stalin could not get an appropriate photograph returned from the front amidst the chaotic conditions, so some old footage from Winter War newsreels was inserted)

In those less lucid moments that I mentioned, it was said that THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE would strike towards Pskov, link up the defenders there, and isolate most or all of two German Panzer Groups. In the wake of THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE, with the large German Panzer formations in the north destroyed, the Red Army would begin a great counteroffensive back into the Baltics and, within a period of a year or so, into Germany itself.

Total victory was at hand!

The first blow of THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE was the attack on the Lehr Motorized brigade (shown in the screenshot above). It was surrounded (though not isolated, since a turn didn't pass) and then it was attacked by numerically superior forces. The Lehr brigade was "routed." However, despite the "rout," the Soviets lost more men and equipment [;)]

Anyway, with this, if Germany wanted to re-encircle the 5 divisions and keep them encircled, it would detract significant attention and resources from the push to the north. And otherwise, Germany would have to rout them to get them out of the way, which would also distract some of the German troops from being able to head north and contribute to the push on Leningrad. This seemed like, in some ways, the best thing I could do this turn to effectively contribute to the defense of Leningrad.

My defense in the north felt pretty secure. Especially around Pskov, I was starting to get good defensive CVs, and I had a large amount of depth in my lines. However, in order to do this, I had to weaken my defenses around Vitebsk a bit. This seemed like a good thing to do because it didn't seem like Germany was prioritizing Vitebsk particularly. I was not expecting Germany to attack with his Panzers towards Vitebsk, since his division that had crossed the river in the north had retreated back to the south/east side of it the previous turn.

However, if he did attack towards Vitebsk, I figured that wouldn't be so bad, since at most it would probably lead to a loss of 3-4 divisions, and I doubted that Vitebsk itself could be taken in 1 turn. That would also leave his Panzers somewhat out of position for the next turn to attack towards Smolensk/Bryansk/Gomel. So basically in effect I rotated troops out of the Vitebsk area in 2 directions:


Blue line is rotation of some of the troops there to the north (for THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE)

And the Red line is rotation of some other troops over towards Smolensk, and that allowed further rotation of some of the troops around Smolensk to reinforce the other parts of the line further south towards Gomel where I was concerned about the strength of my defense.

For example, I rotated this 4 CV mech division down here to try to make sure there was no secondary river crossing, given the high CV of the German infantry next to that exposed hex:


The big takeaway here though was that the tide was turning and the war would soon be won. Thanks to the emerging success of THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE, the German incursion in the North would soon be thrown back, and the German bridgehead across the Dnieper was becoming well contained, and they would surely never cross the river anywhere else also. In the swamps, 409 cavalrymen were heading for Berlin. Hopefully they would not be detected. But if they were, it was only 409 men, so who cares?


In the South, the only thing that really happened was I put 7 divisions into the Odessa city fortress, and retreated the rest:


I didn't upgrade the general in Odessa yet, but I was planning to do so the next turn. Surely it wasn't necessary to already switch the general, since there was no way that Odessa would fall the next turn with such a strong City Fortress defense.


The other important thing is where I put my reserves. Soviets get a huge # of divisions from the reserves on Turn 4. I sent the vast majority of them to the south to fill in the line on the Dnieper. I did not want any sort of easy German crossing of the Dnieper in the south. The relatively few (about 10-12) that I did not order to be deployed for the Dnieper defense, I sent near Gomel, where they could reinforce my defense on the southern flank of the western front, and hopefully hold the river there and in the swamps as well, while helping to contain the German bridgehead in the center and protect Kiev's northern flank.

I did not deploy a single additional division for the north. In the north, I was aware that my defenses towards Starya Russa and Novgorod were weaker as compared to the defenses around Pskov, but I figured that if he pushed too much there without taking Pskov, he would start to get pretty over-extended, with long and thing lines, and (hopefully) some supply issues.

The other thing I thought about this is that in some ways it would be to my advantage if he pushed in those directions, even if he pushed fairly far, because it would effectively lock in his Panzers into that area for another few turns at least, and make it unrealistic/unlikely that they could be redeployed to help push in the center/south instead. So to some degree the north defense, which was very strong at Pskov but weaker (though with depth) towards Novgorod, was conceived of as a trap to lure Germany in to overextension (hopefully).

Beethoven1 -> RE: The Great Temporarily Motoriotic War - Bread (G) vs Beethoven (S) (5/9/2021 7:12:41 PM)

Turn 5:

First of all, 132k losses this turn:


Somehow the air combat losses were only 2 to 1 in Germany's favor, which seems ridiculously good (I am not sure how they can be that good???)


And the pilot losses are almost equal, about 300 each with only slightly more Soviet pilots killed. I don't really understand how/why this happened with the air war, but I did notice a good # of the German recon planes getting shot down (but seemingly by flak). I will search through the battles I guess to try and find any battles where Germany took a lot of air losses.

Actually if you look at the particular planes shot down, it looks like a good # of the Axis air losses are "RU" which I assume stands for Romanian. Although there are also a pretty good # of German planes shot down

My OOB is now well above 3 million, thanks to the reinforcements. Also the fact that there was not much combat in some places like the south where I had retreated behind the Dnieper meant (temporarily) lower losses there:


It has been starting to rain a bit in the north and in some hexes there is already actually some light mud here and there:


Manpower on the map shooting way up (I am not really using the national reserve at this point, however, and basically just deploying stuff as soon as I get it, on the theory that it is better to have troops on the map even if they are refitting, because then they can build fortifications at the same time). I see a lot of AARs where German tanks advance through undefended Soviet territory; that will presumably be less likely to happen as much if I actually deploy the troops that I have, whether they are "ready" or not. The Panzers don't care if we are ready, they are going to come regardless.


Total men (not just on the map) going up, but only slightly, so most of the gains were from reinforcements newly deployed:


Total guns (not just on the map) had been going up, but went down this turn for some reason [:(]


However, AFVs are actually going up! I have been generally trying to keep tanks and mech divisions as much as I can towards the rear of my lines to preserve them a bit more until they can get stronger:


Total planes are pretty stable. I have been training a lot on the biplanes in the national reserve and only deploying planes when I get up to 55-60 experience and morale. For fighters, I only am using MiGs/LaGGs, and Yaks, the biplanes are all just training fodder so that hopefully by the time I get more good fighters I will have more capable people to fly them.


Manpower pool:


Armaments starting to go up:


Also my logistics situation is for the most part fixed now, with about 10k trucks in the pool. Now for what happened on the map! In the north, there were a LOT of battles. It was the Great Patriotic Rout:


(Readers may start to see why I consider it in retrospect a mistake to have not put some turn 4 reserves in the north)

The 5 divisions that had previously been encircled but then freed by the motorized paratroopers, and whom I had airdropped supplies to, all routed out. Obviously he didn't really try to attack Pskov directly, where the defense was very strong, but pushed way up towards Novgorod... In fact he actually took Novgorod! I was not expecting him to get that far (if he attacked that way), but he did. I didn't actually have a ready division in Novgorod unfortunately, just a fort, and the fort surrendered:


However, the fort might have actually been very important because apparently he did not have enough MP to actually move into Novgorod and take it, but only enough to take technical control of it, and who knows, maybe he would have had enough MP if he could just walk in. IIRC I did have a depleted unit there that was refitting, but I didn't have a fighting capable division there, since I wasn't really expecting him to get that far.

This situation in the north has pluses and minuses for both of us... For both of us the front is longer and that means our lines are thinner. Germany is maybe overextended, but the problem is it is tough for me to retain strength and depth around Pskov and also react to this around Novgorod... I will have to think about how much depth to pull out from the Pskov area. Probably I will have to pull out a lot of my depth there in particular behind the strong fortified hexes where I have 3 units. Currently he has only weak regiments on the line there, but there may also be other infantry or something hidden behind.

And since I deployed 0 of my reserve divisions to the north, I have less leeway here than would be ideal. I could pull out of Pskov entirely, but that is probably not a good idea, probably it is best to maintain a strong defense there but to pull out the depth and start stacking up further north. I think that THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE will probably have to continue to try to put pressure on his south-eastern flank.

If Germany has a problem here, they are going to be either:

a) Supply from not having Pskov yet
b) not having enough troops to fill everywhere on such a long extended salient, on both sides of it


Copy paste of DM discussion about the north/Novgorod:

[10:26 AM] Bread: i think in future im just abandoning leningrad
[10:26 AM] Bread: not worth it lol
[10:26 AM] Beethoven: It would have been a lot more worth it if I had not thrown such a huge # of troops there
[10:27 AM] Beethoven: Or really I should have been weaker elsewhere as a result of sending as many troops there
[10:27 AM] Beethoven: What is looking good for me there though is Pskov, but you got to Novgorod.
[10:27 AM] Bread: couldnt get a unit in though
[10:28 AM] Beethoven: yeah, that helps, but you destroyed my fort there lol
[10:28 AM] Bread: hail mary attack
[10:28 AM] Beethoven: the fort which had built all the way up to level 0
[10:28 AM] Bread: i fully expected to fail it
[10:28 AM] Beethoven: The problem there for you is that your line is very long and thin, so it is over-extended without much troop density
[10:29 AM] Beethoven: going all the way up to Novgorod
[10:29 AM] Beethoven: At this point that is somewhat the problem for me also lol
[10:29 AM] Beethoven: Because while I did put a lot of troops there, I did not put infinite troops
[10:29 AM] Bread: i have infantry coming to plug any gaps
[10:29 AM] Bread: and i doubt you can significantly dislodge me

In the center, somewhat to my surprise, he encircled Vitebsk:


He sent Panzers/Motorized up there to do this. Maybe it is more important for his strategy than I had thought. Nevertheless this isn't really that bad of a thing for me, since I only have 3 divisions there, and this delays there for one more turn.
[2:07 PM] Beethoven: Also it means those Panzers are at least somewhat out of position for attacking towards Smolensk and elsewhere further east the next turn.

My defense in Smolensk is relatively strong, but not super-deep, so I need to be somewhat careful here. I probably need to pull back to some degree from the Vitebsk area to reinforce the northern flank of Smolensk a bit more, as well as filling in so that THE GREAT PATRIOTIC VELIKIE LUKI OFFENSIVE can continue to push the Northwestern Front towards Leningrad and put pressure on the German flank there.

In general the routs seem to be getting a bit less bad, for example, this sacrificial division didn't get totally obliterated, just lost 1k men while routing:


I have been putting some of my weaker divisions in sacrificial positions to get attacked, with the expectation that they will get routed. In part because I haven't gotten many divisions encircled, it might not be the worst thing of some of them shatter, since I probably have in some ways "too many" divisions for my equipment. But this eats up German MP from the battles they have to keep fighting against weak divisions.

He attacked succesfully across the river here, but didn't have enough MP to actually move troops across. You can see all my reinforcements, which I will plug in to try to keep holding the river here for as long as possible. In the ideal case he won't cross the river at all, and this area will only get taken if/when he starts pushing from the bridgehead he already has.


Unfortunately the cavalry in the swamps that was going on a trip to Berlin was detected and routed [:(]


But the loss of 375 men is essentially irrelevant, and it will be a reminder to Germany that they need to cover their flanks to avoid rail lines etc being cut, so hopefully this will pull away German troops and cause them to be cautious. In the south, he is starting to get quite close to Kiev, but my reinforcements are deploying and troops are digging in:


Actually I might not have put enough troops by Kiev itself... that might actually be my weak point. I put a lot further back, but I probably was not fully taking into account that the logistics will take a while still to catch up. Ultimately though, if it comes down to it, I would probably rather lose Kiev (which is on the western side of the Dnieper) than allow an easy crossing of the Dnieper itself. I should have enough troops here in general to have ~2 and in some cases 3 divisions on every hex on the Dnieper... Hopefully that is enough to hold it for a while.

Now to the far south and Odessa... here is the really bad news... Probably the biggest single disaster I have had since turn 1!


I wasn't really even expecting it to be seriously attacked this turn, much less actually taken outright. I guess putting troops in that city fortress ended up not only being of questionable value, but actually being an outright total waste of resources. I guess I should have just outright abandoned Odessa. It is true that I had "only" 7 divisions there and I had not changed the general yet (I was going to do so this turn), but I think Fortress Cities are essentially worthless to Soviets if a Fortress City with 7 divisions can fall that fasts and easily when it is not even isolated, regardless of the general.

I will evaluate the situation later on, but due to this experience, IMO the only time you should use a fortress city is if you are going to put 10 full strength divisions in it. With anything less than that, if that means it can fall in a single turn when not even isolated, then there is just no way it is worth it. So I will probably not use fortress cities in other places like Kiev/Dnepropetrovsk/Smolensk. They are just going to fall when attacked, in the case of Kiev/Dnepropetrovsk they will likely fall a good # of turns earlier than historical and give Germany bonus VPs (although I am trying to play with minimal attention to VPs since I don't like the VP system).



To anyone who is reading, if you play a game as Soviets against a competent Germany player, I advise you in the strongest terms to not defend Odessa with even a single division. Simply abandon it, save yourself from this! At least not unless/until city forts get patched.

1 division and 2 HQs are also encircled in Nikolaev, but I should be able to pull them out via naval transport. Sadly I cna't pull out any of the divisions from Odessa since we don't have Odessa, just empty clear hexes next to Odessa lol:


As you can see, I do have a good # of reinforcements here to deploy along the Dnieper, but it is definitely going to be a delicate balance now in allocating further reinforcements (more limited this turn) between North/South/Center.

If I had been smart and just pulled everything out of Odessa without a fight, it would subsequently be a lot easier to hold the Dnieper with an extra 7 divisions. In future games, unless the Fortress Cities get rebalanced, I am pretty sure that the only thing I will do in Odessa will either be to hold it with 10 divisions, all my best divisions with 14k men under Zhukov or Tolbukhin, or just abandon it outright.

Nothing in between is worth it if the Axis player has any idea what they are doing. And maybe it is not even worth it with 10 divisions under the best possible generals, if they know what they are doing (hard to say without trying that).

Here are the reserves I have to deploy, not a lot, just 8 half-strength infantry divisions, and 3 25% strengh cavalry divisions. That is not a lot, and I have a lot of potential weak points:


According to my OOB I am supposedly relatively strong for my army (I think?) at this stage of the game, but it definitely doesn't feel like it.

I would really like to deploy the bulk of my reserves in the south and center around Kiev and Gomel to hold firm against any future river crossings, but we will have to see what my deployment looks like at the end of the turn to see how feasible that is.

I do not want to let him have secondary river crossings other than the initial crossing in the Smolensk area. Ideally all of his progress in the center (and south) should have to emanate from out of that initial crossing. That may simply not be realistic (especially in the south, where you would think he will sooner or later find a way to cross somewhere).

At the same time, I DEFINITELY do not want to snatch defeat from the jaws of seeming earlier success (we probably should not quite call it victory though) in holding on in Pskov and delaying the push towards Novgorod.

The other thing is starting around turn 9-10 or so I should get fewer of the shell-reinforcement divisions than in many games, since I will have fewer divisions that got encircled early on (but more routed, and I took plenty of manpower/equipment losses from routed divisions).

I am clearly going to lose (now undefended) Tallinn earlier than historical, along with already losing Odessa way sooner than historical. The plus side is holding Pskov significantly longer than historical, but nevertheless with the Novgorod situation my position in the north is somewhat perilous. And Smolensk still holding for at least another turn or 2 looks good. But Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk will also clearly both fall earlier than historical if Odessa is anything to go by, since those will not even have fortress cities most likely (definitely seems like a waste of AP).

And I built this fortified region on the Luga line, IIRC, on turn 1. It might be have been turn 2, but I think it was turn 1. And it has not even built a fraction of a level 1 fort yet:


Meanwhile this one at Tula, which I built later, has built 40% of a level 1 fort:


My conclusions is that forts are simply not worth it at all, unless they are in a major city/urban area, or are super-far back. Otherwise they simply will not construct anything at all. Might be ok if it is not e.g. in Moscow but is basically right next to Moscow. I also can't assign engineers to any of my forts (note, this issue with engineers was subsequently worked out a few turns later).

In Cherkasy for example, this fort is probably just making me weaker by drawing manpower away from my infantry:


With forts and fort cities not very useful, so the only really useful things I can see for Soviet AP are:

a) Upgrading generals
b) Motorizing units to break pockets - especially NKVD border guards (lol)

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