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CPT Shoe -> (8/31/2003 1:17:47 AM)


While my two 81mm Mortars wear their tubes out, the 105mm guns finally come alive...Now if those big guns will just wake up!!

While it definitely was fun watching the Americans sink in those silly little rubber boats, the task is now at hand. My mortars have only a basic load and I have no means of re-supply. Ammo for my single battery of 105mm won't last forever, and my battery of 150mm is still not in contact.

Ideally we should have never let the American set foot on this side of the river...Problem was the river bank was not manned as it should have been. :mad:

That said, We have very few assets in which to counter the American assaults. We have significant contact North of the blown railroad bridge, and in the center where the swampy finger sticks out into the river from the west bank. So far we have no reports of any American vehicles having made the crossing, and once they make it to this side of the river, there is very little that I can do to prevent him from having free reign.

:confused: What to do now....

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