theohedd -> RE: Ctrl-S hotkey not working in Scenario Editor. (5/7/2021 12:27:09 AM)
When you say intermittent ignoring, do you mean you can touch\click nothing else and pressing ctrl-s will work and then ctrl-s 5 seconds later will not work, _or_ do you mean more like just as you go about your business and occasionally press ctrl-s it at times seems to ignore you and others it doesn't? When this first started this morning (USCT), by pressing Alt-S to switch sides, the Ctrl-S hotkey would work after doing that sometimes, but that 'trick' has stopped working. quote:
If the latter and you have other windows open (like lua console,db viewer, etc) try making sure the main form\screen has focus before hitting ctrl-s. I run into something similar from time to time with some hotkeys and the editor when I have lots of forms open and alt-tabbing between lua console and editor window sometimes where I have to explicitly re-click the mainwindow (and off of say dbviewer) after tabbing over for the shortcut like ctrl-c to work as intended on the correct winform. I can reproduce what you describe by involving the aforementioned with ctrl-s (dbviewer has focus ctrl-s will not be trapped,lua has focus ctrl-s will not be trapped etc), and I think that behavior makes sense in windowed mode. As of testing right now, the hotkey does not work in windowed mode, fullscreen, and regardless if it's been focused as you described, or if there is another CMO window open. I can't help but think that the update or the act of the game updating somehow did this, as everything was working yesterday. The thing with the taskbar seemed important to me because normally, upon launch, only the CMO loading screen would be shown unless I alt-tabed. That changed as described only after today's update, not sure if that was why, however.