WriterJWA -> Similar systems.... (5/11/2021 11:40:36 PM)
Hi! I'm a (relatively) new player to Command: Modern Ops and I love it. It's been a hugely rewarding experience and I've learned a lot. One question I have: Is there a game out there that simulates the ground combat element side of the battlefield with the same fidelity and detail as CMO? I remember years ago there were games like Armored Task Force and its predecessor BCT Commander, that offered topographic maps and used formation boundaries and tactical control measures (phase lines, LOAs, LODs, etc...), but those are really dated (and clunky by today's standards). Is there something out there that manages what CMO does for ground operations? Thanks in advance! (FYI, I'm very familiar with Command Ops 2 and play it, but I'm hoping for something a little more modern...)