William the Silent -> Equipment256 Napoleonic Mod (5/13/2021 9:04:29 PM)
Last year (2020), during my 8 weeks at home because of Covid lockdown, I was working on an immens Napoleonic Russian Campaign. I created a 350x175 2.5 km/hex map and a 168x82 5 km/hex map, using online Michelin maps and my ADCII map creator. Crazy, but I got them done. Then I created a Division and a Brigade size OOB and put both in TOAW IV only on the 5 km/hex map. I didn't get any further because of lack of time and all the weather, supply, attrition, fortification rates is hard to get right. But lately I played a little with the Equipment256 file and put in some of my old Empire II, Age of War icons. Looks pretty cool and cute I must say. Even at the size of 50x20 pixels you can see every button with the TOAW IV graphics. [image]local://upfiles/70593/8B54724C222F4DBFA0871099F082C9F0.jpg[/image]