Rostov - tough nut to crack (Full Version)

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Ekaton -> Rostov - tough nut to crack (5/13/2021 9:08:53 PM)

I’m playing my second campaign and Rostov is just such a bottleneck compared to what it was historically. The AI garrison easily hits 250 cv and even after being encircled for a few turns, it still stands strong. In my current campaign it completely derailed my schedule for the 1942 offensive into Caucasus as it took many turns to take and I couldn’t send my panzer army properly into Caucasus without securing the railway first.

Any tips on what I might do to take it relatively quickly?

Floxolydian -> RE: Rostov - tough nut to crack (5/14/2021 7:28:36 AM)

must've been heavily supplied by air? Did you try to gain air-supremacy over it (before the weather went bad)?

I've found it best to let assualt-units gain close to 100 CPP before attacking. Also to have one or two stacks of units behind on reserve (need to get lucky to participate/activate reserve in attack).

Hmm, engineers and arty are always good in these assaults.

Bamilus -> RE: Rostov - tough nut to crack (5/16/2021 4:21:00 PM)

Yea in my 1942 rostov had like 700CV even when isolated. I was never able to take it but Sevastopol fell in one turn. Had every siege artillery and tons of engineers attacking Rostov, too.

I stll haven't quite figured out why some city sieges are easier than others but Rostov is the one Ive also really struggled with. I guess i literally have to park both 11th and 17th army outside it and spend 3 turns taking it.

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