loki100 -> RE: Barbarossa: warspite1 (Axis) vs AllenK (Soviets) (6/6/2021 11:44:14 AM)
ORIGINAL: warspite1 Turn 2 29 June 1941 Army Group South Okay, question time. 6th Army have moved - only a couple of divisions have still got the power to attack. The only other unit that has moved is the SS Motorised (but this can't attack). What is the best plan here? I am conscious that two panzer regts. got badly mauled last turn and there is a big wedge of Soviets west of Rovno. Despite what I tell myself to do I end up with a series of full frontal assaults that get me some destroyed enemy, but not very far forward.... Panzer Group 1 seems very strung out too. Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated. ... You still have a lot of MP in your Pzrs so I'd free them up with 17A, use the rear elements of 1 PG to attack the Soviet front and then exploit with the existing front line Pzrs - they have the capacity for substantial movement. Two big bits for AGS. 1) team 1 PG with either 6 or 17A, you lack the assets to spread it out. This allows you to set up the routine of rest one Pzr corps each turn, use the other 2 (well placed you can get back 50 CPP per turn if they don't move). In effect this forces you to a choice, the historical offensive via Rovno or go south around Lvov. Since you've started with the latter, stick to it. 2) the Soviets here are tricky to handle (for both sides actually). Up to about T4 SW Front can make your life a misery but its very fragile. Its really hard to reinforce (the Soviets have to put their main effort into Moscow and Leningrad) so over time units go unready (or worse) and it becomes really hard to set up a decent defensive layout. So try to do damage, to some extent you can operate without making pockets, its sustained combat that will bring about a very sudden transition in appareent force ratios. Of course, AGS has to be in a decent state when this transition hits.