How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (Full Version)

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Stelteck -> How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/18/2021 1:21:29 PM)

Old WITP player here and very interested by this game. I bought it and i'am trying to learn it.

Is there a way to perform some hit&run tactics (or supply&runs) tactics with the navy ?

As i understand the rules, each fleet have 2 Operationnals points, so they can move 24 hex than strike at 100%, or move 48 hex then strike at 50% in pursuit mode.

But then they are sitting ducks close to the ennemy and all ennemy fleet within 24/48 hex and all ennemy air in range will retaliate.

Is there a way to hit&run ?

Also, if we perform first a movement in night mode, do the fleet stay in night mode when attacking ?

AlvaroSousa -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/18/2021 1:37:26 PM)

Best way is to have a base nearby, move in night mode, supply. Now only surface fleets can hit you.

You can also night mode supply block a location.

Stelteck -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/18/2021 1:42:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: AlvaroSousa

Best way is to have a base nearby, move in night mode, supply. Now only surface fleets can hit you.

You can also night mode supply block a location.

Thanks it is interesting.

eskuche -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/18/2021 2:37:37 PM)

You can also fish for enemy naval interdictions with a larger force, which doesn’t cost you anything, then run away.

DaShox -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 4:46:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Stelteck


ORIGINAL: AlvaroSousa

Best way is to have a base nearby, move in night mode, supply. Now only surface fleets can hit you.

You can also night mode supply block a location.

Thanks it is interesting.

Is "night mode" the same as "raider"?

incbob -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 4:50:41 AM)

Night mode is not the same as raider mode.

Fleets can be in "Fleet" mode which means they are seeking combat
Fleets can be in "Raider" mode meaning they are avoiding combat.

Night mode is a special movement that fleets can do. In order to do a "night move" the fleet must
-- must start in a port.
-- must start the move with 2 operation points
-- move a maximum of 6 hexes or less.

The advantage at moving at night means that air power, such as land or CV, cannot attack the fleet that is doing a night move.

Stelteck -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 2:56:49 PM)

I'am quite missing a lot, as a US facing the japanese in the start of the 1941, the high speed naval night runs with airfield bombing that was so much fun in WITP.

I have to figure out what to do with the US navy in early 1942. Investigation in progress [;)]

ago1000 -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 4:02:47 PM)

To deliver those supplies, you might want to use a fleet that also has the supply specialty if you can.

Stelteck -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 4:40:07 PM)

I'am not sûre it is really possible to use fleet ressuply in defense.

If you do not have naval/air superiority around the target, fleet ressuply is a suicide run for your fleet.
If you have, you do not need to ressuply by fleet in defense.

it is still very usefull for Invasion in offense when you have naval superiority.

eskuche -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 4:54:00 PM)

Transports can do beachhead supply as well. A bit weird but has some uses.

incbob -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 5:45:47 PM)

If you use Beachhead Supply it automatically puts a fleet in "Fleet" mode.

I once had an Allied Fleet, moved it in night mode. In night mode used Beachhead supply. When the Japanese fleet my Beachhead supply fleet, in fleet mode, went to intercept and got killed.

Perhaps fleets in Beachhead Supply mode should be hardcoded to not do naval interceptions.

ago1000 -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 6:59:14 PM)

Another possible solution might be that providing beach supply doesn't cost an OP in night time move? This would allow the fleet to move in drop off supplies and rush out.

eskuche -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 7:06:44 PM)

That idea seems really good. Have to plan for 6 hex move to do it. Makes sense re: Guadalcanal and other similar situations.

Stelteck -> RE: How to do the tokyo express / Hit&Run tactics (5/19/2021 7:29:47 PM)

If we are proposing some update of the rules, it would be interesting that a fleet in night move could do one surface attack without using operational points, at 50% power like pursuit attack.
It would allow some hit&run operation. Night move => Fight => Flee.

Also, why having to start at a port to perform a night move ? Any surface fleet starting with 2 operational points and moving less than 6 Hex could be eligible.

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