Energizer -> (8/29/2003 6:54:05 PM)
[QUOTE=Kung Karl]...How many of you none scandinavian knows anything about this war and king?...[/QUOTE] Since Finland is not a part of Scandinavia, I guess I'll qualify... :D Let´s see. Last six books I've read are: Ofredsår (Englund) Poltava (Englud) Berlin 1945 (Beevor) Oövervinnelige (Englund) Sie kommen (Carell) Die Wüstenfüchse (Carell) (Hope I got spelling right, I read all these in Finnish though) So yes, Poltava was about Karl XII - Kaarle XII in Finnish. Also his exploits are well teached in Finnish schools. And besides, I love kåldolmar!