Carrier attack bug (Full Version)

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comsolut -> Carrier attack bug (5/26/2021 2:35:45 PM)

First op point moved to within range allied task force. Interdiction battle took place. With second op point try to attack with 6 carriers and I don't get an attack option only move into hex option? Using latest patch.

sajm0n -> RE: Carrier attack bug (5/26/2021 2:59:35 PM)

Are you 3 hexes from enemy fleet or 4? i cant see properly on that screen (CV attack range is 3 hexes)

comsolut -> RE: Carrier attack bug (5/26/2021 3:15:25 PM)

4. I started with Guad to learn and was 5 there, I believe. My bad. Thanks.

comsolut -> RE: Carrier attack bug (5/26/2021 3:41:19 PM)

As a follow up, any reason I cannot combine two Japanese Divisions in China?

YueJin -> RE: Carrier attack bug (5/26/2021 3:54:28 PM)

Japanese can't combine divisions. They can split armies into two 15 strength units and recombine them but divisions are 10 strength forever. Allies can build division (10)>Small corps(20)>Large corps(30)

comsolut -> RE: Carrier attack bug (5/26/2021 4:10:12 PM)

A division can merge with a division or a small corps to make
a small or large corps. pg 35

Just to show I'm not a complete idiot.

YueJin -> RE: Carrier attack bug (5/26/2021 4:29:48 PM)

That's correct for the allies but the Japanese don't have a corps structure like they do. It's division or army only.

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Carrier attack bug (5/26/2021 5:00:08 PM)

It does say Japan can't merge on page 36 I believe. It's easy to miss.
Russia and China only have armies.
The Western Allies have divisions and corps.

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