scottrossi -> the future of planet generation (5/28/2021 3:11:20 AM)
Hey Vic! What are your plans for the future of planet generation, if you wish to share? I ask because I have been playing this game solidly, with just a few breaks, since launch, and frankly, I am tired of rolling for random planets. I have seriously spent dozens of hours, thousands of rolls. Sometimes it's fun, just like sometimes it's fun to just drop in immediately. However, there are many times where I want to play on a specific world, a cold morgana with an equatorial desert and cephalopod aliens, or a ruined megacity on a highly radioactive siwa world. if i'm lucky, rolling one might take an hour and i'm tired of doing that. Do you have plans to give us more control over planet generation? maybe having sliders or just being able to plug in our own values? I feel like it's a common forum post to see people grumbling about worldgen or how to get certain scenarios, like Dune worlds for example. This isn't a deal breaker, because frankly I'm addicted and I see myself playing this game for years, but it would be so much better to have more options and more control in the world generation. Thanks!