Ian R -> RE: "Blitzkrieg landings" with not commissioned ships (6/9/2021 12:30:26 PM)
ORIGINAL: LargeSlowTarget Maybe one day we will see a game like AE but with oil, fuel, coal, iron ore, bauxit, copper, phosphate, food, munitions etc. to handle... You left out specific supply sites for tungsten, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum, and other alloy materials that the IJ lacked (almost completely in most cases), and, the absence of which, contributed significantly to the unreliability of their aircraft engines. Francillon makes the observation that if the Japanese aircraft industry had managed to fulfill the 1943/44 orders, they would have run out of aluminum sheeting in about September 1944. Hence the designers were trying to produce all steel (!), or wooden designs ... to fly against Bearcats, Skyraiders and Sea Furies in 1946. Whenever there is a complaint that something or some capability is "unhistorical" or "ahistorical" around here, it only ever seems to be about the United Nations side. Edit: Jet engines also need those alloys - hence the low lifespan of the Jumo's on the Me-262 - although you can run them on kero-lamp fuel, which would at least alleviate a different, and insoluable problem the IJ had - low octane avgas.