Zorachus99 -> Seeking opponent(s) for Twitch live-stream (6/7/2021 12:10:24 AM)
Now for something completely different. I'd like to stream a virtual face-to-face game of MWIF on Twitch. This is not PBEM. Faces are not required though, only a microphone. The sessions will be broadcast live, and will possibly be re-posted to Youtube if I have time for posterity. I think this could potentially welcome new players to the game as well as provide useful instruction to newbies. Parameters: Players meet on weekends by arrangement to play MWIF. Minimum commitment of 3+ hours per session until one side resigns. I've played with a Chess clock in the past, but don't mind time used as long as the game is moving along. If I have more than one test subject (volunteer) we could have teams. About me: I've played about 20 games of Wif over the last 20 years. That pretty much means, I'm crusty, rusty, and naughty. The rules I prefer should be attached to this post. [image]local://upfiles/1220/A9C774458A4742C89F03FAA6FDB8B083.jpg[/image]