How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (Full Version)

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marcofromtropoja -> How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/10/2021 10:52:27 PM)

I need this because I have to place Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo.

thewood1 -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 12:27:07 AM)

If its critical, you can just use a string of reference points.

If all you're trying to do is locate Camp BondSteel, I just went to google maps and found the lat/lon and went to the lat/lon in CMO and dropped a reference point named Camp Bondsteel

42.37666949559484, 21.24213476517552


stww2 -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 12:31:07 AM)

I mean, the borders in CMO are ultimately just a visual feature. If you know the Lat/Long of where you want to place a unit/installation then you can place it there. To actually answer the question, though, scenario designers who are so inclined usually mark borders with a series of reference points. If you set these reference points as a no-nav zone (IIRC), then there will be a red line between each of the points that functions well enough as a border. This can be done as a visual aid to the player (to create a border not otherwise marked, as is the case here), or to interface with no-nav and exclusion zones to govern the AI and/or the player's activities.

Edit: thewood1 beat me to it, did so more succinctly, and managed to communicate more relevant information!

Gunner98 -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 12:44:23 AM)

A couple safety tips on stww2's suggestion of using a No-Nav zone. This solution does work but it colours the entire area of the country red, usually not an issue but:

-every 'side' to the No-Nav zone (i.e. the side between two RPs) gets its own path calculation and in large scenarios this might cause a slowdown, especially if - as we've seen, the designer has used several hundred RPs to detail the border.

-Make sure you physically un-check all 4 types (aircraft, ships, submarines and land units) or those units will be restricted and cannot cross the boundary. Unless that is what you want.

In the screenclip you can see that I've done this for the Malaysian and the Indonesian areas of Borneo. In this case I don't want the player to enter so the restrictions remain but you can see that I've been a little sloppy with the areas because it will not impact game play - except in the area of Brunei where it is important for the scenario. There are a lot of No-Nav zones so I don't want to impact game speed. I have used 2 zones because one of them might get turned off later in the game (easy to do with Lua).

Edit: one other point, test the solutions. In this case the one NNZone was causing an issue with the landing pattern at the Brunei airport so it needed adjusting and now aircraft can land properly.


thewood1 -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 12:53:31 AM)

A possibly more complex, but complete, solution is to use an overlay from a map with all the points and borders you need.

LORDPrometheus -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 1:53:49 PM)

While reference points are the gold standard I for one would greatly prefer the ability for mission creators to just draw on the map and mark it akin to a real tactical map

Gunner98 -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 3:13:55 PM)



While reference points are the gold standard I for one would greatly prefer the ability for mission creators to just draw on the map and mark it akin to a real tactical map

I believe that that feature has been requested, and agree that it would be very useful. Not sure where it is or should be in the priority list of features though.

An option I have done in the past is to take either a screen capture from the game or Google, mark it up in PowerPoint and include it with the scenario. You can get a lot more detail by doing it this way. See attached.

marcofromtropoja -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 3:37:49 PM)

Isn't it a feature of CMO that if i fly inside their border, they scramble jets, meaning I have violated air space?
The point is I don't want this to happen, because Kosovo airspace is considered friendly for NATO and unfriendly for Serbia, however, currently the airspace is 100% Serbian.

I hope you get my point.

Gunner98 -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 3:48:57 PM)

As the scenario designer you set all of that up. It is not an automatic feature, you would need to set up an exclusion zone or intercept missions to achieve that. So there is nothing to turn off so to speak.

The borders represented on certain maps are just lines for reference.

thewood1 -> RE: How to draw itnerim border between Kosov and Serbia? (6/11/2021 4:32:15 PM)

I think it shows you might need to learn a little more about how CMO operates. Missions, zones, and events are core parts of scenario execution and design. I suggest going through some of the tutorials and videos on those topics before getting too much more down this path.

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