[1.09.05] Game crashes when trying to load the save (Full Version)

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Clux -> [1.09.05] Game crashes when trying to load the save (6/12/2021 10:22:44 PM)

Whenever I try to load this save (From a PBEM game) the game crashes, I don't get any error messages nor anything.

Link to the savegame

mroyer -> RE: [1.09.05] Game crashes when trying to load the save (6/12/2021 11:39:18 PM)

For what it's worth, I verified.
I downloaded Clux's file and it crashed my v1.09.05 too, exactly as he described.
-Mark R

Clux -> RE: [1.09.05] Game crashes when trying to load the save (6/13/2021 3:58:52 PM)

It ended up being a corrupted save (previous player fault), he played his turn again and the new save worked fine.

mroyer -> RE: [1.09.05] Game crashes when trying to load the save (6/13/2021 5:09:34 PM)



It ended up being a corrupted save (previous player fault), he played his turn again and the new save worked fine.

The fact that it's even possible to have a 'corrupted save' might be of interest to Vic.

-Mark R.

BlueTemplar -> RE: [1.09.05] Game crashes when trying to load the save (6/14/2021 12:49:10 AM)

Maybe. Sometimes it's just the fault to a cosmic ray though...

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