Total War Mod 1939 (Full Version)

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CHINCHIN -> Total War Mod 1939 (6/14/2021 9:47:13 AM)

Hello everybody,

This Mod is made from the official patch v1.00.16, and has the changes described below.

You have to decompress and copy the folder and the file in:

..[user]\Documents\My Games\WarPlan\Campaigns\


Mod changes:

Assault: 1939-1940 +1 Firearms / 1941 +1 defense
Anti-Tank: 1939 +1 Artillery / 1940 +1 Guns
Breakthrough: 1939 +1 Artillery
Heavy armor: 1939 +1 Tank
Interceptors: 1939-1940 +1 Air / 1941-1943 +2 Range / 1944-1945 +4 Range
Escort Fighters: 1939 +1 Defense / 1940-1942 +1 Rango
Figthter Bomber: 1942-1943 +2 Rango / 1944-1945 +4 Rango
Close Support: 1939 +1 Tactical / 1940 +1 Defense / 1941-1943 +2 Range / 1944-1945 +4 Range
Strategic: 1939 +1 Strategic / 1940-1941 +2 Range
Naval Air: 1939 +1 Naval / 1940 +1 Defense / 1941-1943 +2 Rango / 1944-1945 +4 Range
Detection: 1939 +2 Range
Convoy Escort: 1945 +1 Anti air

Modification: No. 220 Bmbr unit 10/20STR
Resource Pacific Allied -20PP
In 5/1/40 +30 PP Allied Pacific Resources (to compensate for initial reduction)

Air units 40% experience
Vichy France: Part of the French fleet goes to the port of Oran (Vichy North Africa)
Vichy France: New Division 10/10 in Marseille.
Vichy North Africa: New Division 10/10 in Oran.

Poland: Air Units 40% experience
Spain: New Division 5/10 in Ferrol
Spain: New Division 8/10 in Valencia
Spain: New Division 5/10 in Malaga
Portugal: New Division 8/10 in Porto
Persia: New Division 5/10 in Tabriz
Persia: New Division 5/10 in Bandar Shapur
Persia: Modification 1st Division unit 8/10

Armored and mechanized Russian +1 Ops. In 12/1/1941.
If there are any Axis units within 6 hexes of Moscow, three fortifications appear adjacent to Moscow.
Captured Russian weapons are delivered to Romania. +50PP
Captured Russian weapons are delivered to Hungary. +30PP
Germany collapses Vichy France when allies take Algiers and the USA is in the war.
Germany occupies continental Vichy france in response to allied attack on Spain.

City // Date 1 // PP // Date2
Odessa // 07/01/1941 // 5 // 03/01/1942
Kiev // 08/01/1941 // 5 // 04/01/1942
Kharkov // 09/01/1941 // 5 // 05/01/1942
Stalino // 10/01/1941 // 5 // 06/01/1942
Leningrad // 11/01/1941 // 5 // 07/01/1942
Kalinin // 12/01/1941 // 5 //08/01/1942
Moscu 1 // 02/01/1942 // 10 // 10/01/1942
Kursk // 03/01/1942 // 5 // 11/01/1942
Tula // 04/01/1942 // 5 // 12/01/1942
Moscu 2 / /06/01/1942 // 10 // 02/01/1943
Stalingrad // 02/01/1943 // 10 //10/01/1943

Date 1 = Tranfer date
Date 2= Assembly date

URSS: +5PP in the Moscow area
URSS: New City: Magnitogorsk, 5 Morale/MP/PP
Persia: Teheran 5 Moral/PP (Before 1 Moral)

Zone Arctic Circle => October 40% chance of clear weather and November 20% chance of clear weather (Before 95% and 30% )
Zone Arctic => November 10% chance of clear weather (Before 20%)

New convoy routes:
Middle East-Yugoslavia
Middle East-Greece

CHINCHIN -> RE: Diplomatic Variant Mod (6/15/2021 4:57:50 PM)


CHINCHIN -> RE: Diplomatic Variant Mod (6/16/2021 2:58:51 PM)

You have version 02 in the first post.

Fix UK starting forces, as modified in patch .11

offrench -> RE: Diplomatic Variant Mod (8/2/2021 3:13:47 PM)

This seems to be an interesting mod, but I was unable to download a working RAR from your Google Drive. It stops at 3 Mb and the file is unuseable.

CHINCHIN -> RE: Diplomatic Variant Mod (8/2/2021 3:18:08 PM)

It seems to work correctly. It is 3.12 MB, try another time, it may be a specific error.

offrench -> RE: Diplomatic Variant Mod (8/2/2021 3:37:34 PM)

Thanks for your fast answer.
The .scn file itself is 15 Mb, so the total of the zip file should be more than that.
I have the same result after downloading several times with either Chrome or Firefox.

Could you try erasing and reuploading the file?

offrench -> RE: Diplomatic Variant Mod (8/2/2021 3:58:41 PM)

Hello again.
I have been able to download and extract it using WinRar.
I was trying to do it with 7Zip before and it did not work.
First time I have this problem with it.

CHINCHIN -> RE: Diplomatic Variant Mod (8/2/2021 4:32:38 PM)

I'm glad it already worked. I hope you like the mod.

CHINCHIN -> RE: Diplomatic Variant Mod (2/22/2022 8:22:36 AM)


You have the new version of the Mod in the first post, as well as the changes of this latest version.

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