Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (Full Version)

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rico21 -> Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/18/2021 1:58:15 PM)

Path with steam version : Windows(C)>users>yourpcname>ValorandVictory>custom>
Ball-Trap at May-Sur-Orne

July 25, 1944. May-Sur-Orne, France.
The Canadians of Major F.P. Griffin's Black Watch Regiment called for a new coordinated support plan
with artillery and tanks and in the meantime, sent reconnaissance to May-Sur-Orne. The patrol entered
the village and told the Calgary Highlanders that the position was little defended by the Germans.
Later, he noticed during his infantry attack that the Germans had only held back their fire...

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/18/2021 1:59:12 PM)


you have to transform the .jpg file into .png with and the .txt file into .dat with notepad ++.
Sorry, but the forum does not support these formats for downloads.

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/18/2021 2:10:28 PM)



ClaudeJ -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/18/2021 2:52:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: rico21

Path with steam version : Windows(C)>users>yourpcname>ValorandVictory>custom>

In that folder, one have to create a folder with the scenario's name too, which holds the scen files.
Also, one have to make sure that all files are named "Ball-Trap_at_May-Sur-Orne" (the forum changes that name as you download the files).

A tad less cumbersome, just download that zip and decompress it in the Custom folder :

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/18/2021 3:29:21 PM)

Thanks Claude, send you a mail!


rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/19/2021 11:08:25 AM)

Scenario n°2


rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/19/2021 11:10:30 AM)

<picture value="The Reisman' dozen.png"/>

June before D-Day, 1944. Near Rennes, France.
Some time before the Normandy landings, twelve criminals all condemned to death, forced labor or long
terms of imprisonment, were offered a suicide mission which could earn them an amnesty: attack a castle
in France, near Rennes, where some thirty senior Nazi generals have settled and kill as many as possible...

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/19/2021 11:11:40 AM)

2nd file

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/20/2021 6:52:44 AM)

Scenario n°3


rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/20/2021 6:55:10 AM)

<name value="The Barkmann Corner"/>
<picture value="The_Barkmann_Corner.png"/>
July 27, 1944. Near Le Loray, France.
Barkmann is stopped by retreating infantry who claim the Americans are close. Ernst Barkmann decides to send two of his men to check. They observe a column of 15 Shermans and various vehicles. Barkmann drives his Panther to a crossroads hidden behind a thicket, he waits for the enemy. As the US column approaches, he opens fire ...

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/20/2021 6:56:12 AM)

2nd file

MrsWargamer -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/20/2021 6:21:06 PM)

None of this surprises me in the least :)

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/20/2021 8:39:25 PM)



MrsWargamer -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/20/2021 9:38:20 PM)

Bunny approves :)

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/21/2021 3:04:36 PM)

Scenario n°4


rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/21/2021 3:06:19 PM)

<name value="Ramelle Rescue"/>
<picture value="Ramelle Rescue.png"/>
June 13, 1944. Ramelle, France.
Captain Miller and his Rangers learn that Private Ryan is defending an important bridge in the village
of Ramelle. Ryan refuses to leave his post, despite Miller's orders to leave with them. Finally, Miller
decides to stay in Ramelle with his men to help in the defense of the bridge held by the paratroopers,
the German troops being about to arrive and threatening to take back this strategic objective. Preparing
for the arrival of the German troops composed of elements of Panzer SS, the American soldiers begin a
fierce fight to defend the bridge ...

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/21/2021 3:06:56 PM)

2nd file

FroBodine -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/21/2021 4:01:00 PM)

Great stuff. Thank you, Rico!

I download and set up all four scenarios, but only Ball Trap and Ramelle Rescue actually show up in-game in the custom games list. What could I be doing wrong that the other two scenarios aren't showing up in the game? I saved the .txt files as .dat, and saved the .jpg files as .png. And the .png file names are the same in the .dat as the actual file name.

This forum needs a face lift. What a hassle that it doesn't support those file formats, and downloading an attachment is also a pain.

ClaudeJ -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/21/2021 7:54:52 PM)

Make sure to create a folder with the same name and put the files in it FroBodine.

As demonstrated in post #4, one can easily link a convenient package with the files ready to be played. The forum is not to be blamed. ;)

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/21/2021 8:36:45 PM)

Apparently the problem comes from the hyphens (_), remove them from the filename and from the.dat file being careful that the same names are spelled the same, use copy paste if necessary.
I hope I have been clear in my explanations.
Thanks for your support, guys!

baloo7777 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/21/2021 11:19:23 PM)

This is the most convoluted and difficult method to download custom scenarios. I was able to download ClaudeJ's dropbox file and import it into the custom game using the game's import custom file button in the game menu. However, downloading .txt files to make .dat files and .jpg to create .png in Paint is way too cumbersome for me. Why? I have a ton of your scenarios Rico that were made for ToTH... they were easy to add to the scenario bank?

yobowargames -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/22/2021 3:13:32 AM)

Hi All

Firstly thank you Rico for jumping in and getting the ball rolling! For now I will host the scenarios until we can get something better setup.

Custom Scenarios

ClaudeJ -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/22/2021 2:07:40 PM)

Is there a plan to make the scenarios available through Steam's Workshop ?

yobowargames -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/22/2021 3:13:26 PM)

Hi ClaudeJ

Yes, we have started to investigate that. Can't give you a timescale at the moment.


baloo7777 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/22/2021 3:29:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: yobowargames

Hi All

Firstly thank you Rico for jumping in and getting the ball rolling! For now I will host the scenarios until we can get something better setup.

Custom Scenarios

I was able to download and import the scenarios very easily using this new setup. Thank you. Since ToTH I have enjoyed Rico's scenarios and I am able to start one now in V&V.

ClaudeJ -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/22/2021 5:07:00 PM)

Awesome news Lance.

eddieballgame -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/23/2021 3:13:22 AM)

Thank you, Rico

FroBodine -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/24/2021 3:15:11 PM)



Make sure to create a folder with the same name and put the files in it FroBodine.

As demonstrated in post #4, one can easily link a convenient package with the files ready to be played. The forum is not to be blamed. ;)

The forum is absolutely a problem. You can't just download the .txt and .jpg files. You have to open them, copy them, then save them to the proper file type using a text editor and a paint program. At least I can't just download the files. When I click on the links (other than the dropbox one which works great), the text and picture just open in a window and I have to copy them.

Downloading them doesn't work in this forum for me.

Oh yeah - I got all the scenarios to work after mucking around with the file names. Thanks Rico!

And thank you for hosting all the new user scenarios, Yobo! Much appreciated and it makes it a LOT easier.

dox44 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (6/24/2021 4:06:48 PM)

none of that worked for me. i just unzipped in the steam v&v scenario folder. works...

rico21 -> RE: Rock'n'Roll Rico scenarios (7/1/2021 7:01:01 AM)

Scenario n°5


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