LiquidSky -> RE: Tigers vs. BT-7 (6/18/2021 5:35:36 PM)
Combat Value is something that actually has very little to do with combat. It is a calculated value based on what ready elements a unit contains. There will be several multipliers/divisors. Finally, at the end of combat, the CV of the attacker will be compared to the CV of the defender. If you have 2-1 (or greater) you take the hex. Otherwise you do not. That's it. Combat value doesnt do any actual combat. When you hover over the hex you get a CV value for the defender and the attacker. This takes into account terrain and it may appear that the defender is very strong. But let's say you attack anyways......well...first, combat occurs. Reserve units activate, support units get allocated...artillery fires, aircraft bombs.....elements march forward each doing damage to the enemy until the combat is over. Then CV is calculated to see who won. Terrain and fortifications will act as a divisor.....leadership rolls, can act for both sides. Only ready elements will contribute to this number, so all those disrupted/damaged elements during the combat no longer do squat for holding (or taking) the hex. So in the above example of the Tigers vrs the BT's.....well....before combat you may have only a 1-1 for the tigers, or even worse if the BT's are dug in.....But after combat most of the Tigers will be ready, and most of the BT's will not be. And at the end of combat....the CV's are compared...if the attacker has 2-1 or more...the defender retreats. The retreating side will suffer additional losses to disrupted/damaged elements (which is one good reason you want to win), and may suffer a rout. So don't let CV be your guide in combat...use some common sense.....if you are an army attacking a division, it doesnt matter if he is dug in. He will probably retreat just from all the losses during combat lowering his CV, while he is not big enough to do very much to the army