Barb solitaire hang DOW Allied Impulse 8 (Full Version)

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Zorachus99 -> Barb solitaire hang DOW Allied Impulse 8 (6/18/2021 6:54:30 PM)

Testing out solitaire mode after a multi-year hiatus.

MWIF Version 4.2.2

Game hangs at Allied DOW if turn continues. Tried going back to autosave and restarting MWIF, but seems to hang every time for me.

BrianJH -> RE: Barb solitaire hang DOW Allied Impulse 8 (6/19/2021 12:09:19 PM)

Not sure what causes it to hang, but you can work around it by saving the game at that point, quit and reload.

Zorachus99 -> RE: Barb solitaire hang DOW Allied Impulse 8 (6/19/2021 6:35:42 PM)

Test the workaround and it fixed the problem for me. Would have never thought of that on my own.

Very weird, but thanks!

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