No transports in early months for Allies? (Full Version)

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cgoddard -> No transports in early months for Allies? (6/20/2021 9:48:56 AM)

First try out so appreciate probably missed something. Now early March and unable to move any Allied stuff from either Africa, US etc . I am building transports so assume cannot move anything until they turn up?

AlvaroSousa -> RE: No transports in early months for Allies? (6/20/2021 1:59:24 PM)

In the latest patch they start popping out earlier. You can prioritize reinforcements of units on islands. The lack of transports represents the Allies lack of readiness for war.

kennonlightfoot -> RE: No transports in early months for Allies? (6/20/2021 2:07:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: cgoddard

First try out so appreciate probably missed something. Now early March and unable to move any Allied stuff from either Africa, US etc . I am building transports so assume cannot move anything until they turn up?

In update 02 I believe the first ones come out in early March for both US and UK. There are some stacked up in the reinforcement queue and come out about one per turn for a few months. This won't be enough to fill all the needs so you will have to build some transports later.

There are no Landing Ships or Merchants in the queue. You start with only 43 US Merchants so you will need to build those as soon as possible too.

cgoddard -> RE: No transports in early months for Allies? (6/20/2021 2:17:11 PM)

Thanks guys. At least I haven't missed something obvious

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