Th30n -> RE: Shadow empire its on sale at GoG -35%! (6/23/2021 6:06:03 PM)
ORIGINAL: deMangler quote:
ORIGINAL: Th30n I'm considering picking this up on GOG sale, but I have a couple of questions. 1) What's the state of running this with wine? The dedicated thread for wine/proton looks a bit out of date. 2) Does the PBEM Helper work on Linux while running the game through wine? I'd assume it does, as it is written in Python. 1. I run the matrix version under wine 6.11. Installing Daz icon pack fixes an image bug that otherwise requires image editing to fix. Also if I remember rightly there are just a couple of things to install in wine, gdiplus and corefonts if I remember right. I have had no problems whatsoever running under linux once set up. 2. PBEM Helper windows build runs under wine or the python release version in the repo runs fine in linux also. Any probs I will try to help. Thanks! I've just become aware that GOG does indeed have a refund policy, so I'll buy the game and check how it runs. EDIT: So far runs great and it doesn't tax my laptop battery much! Just needed to install gdiplus (had corefonts already set up).