[Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project [RESULTS] (Full Version)

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Pymous -> [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project [RESULTS] (6/22/2021 8:25:23 PM)

EDIT: Current Results:

(After 100 votes):
1/ LEADERS PORTRAITS (#1.89 average)
2/ VIDCOM EVENTS SCREENS (#2.21 average)
3/ UI ELEMENTS(#2.8 average)

4/ UNITS SPRITES (#3.36 average)
5/ MAP TEXTURES (#3.96 average)
6/ BUILDING SPRITES (#4.22 average)

Detailed results can be consulted here : https://form.typeform.com/report/UW3KyBL8/732zISsTfHyHa41X

Hello guys,

I propose you a quick "Ranking Poll" to help me decide what should be my next modding project for Shadow Empire

There are 7 propositions to rank:
- Vidcom Events Screen
- Leaders Portraits
- UI Elements
- Map Textures
- Units Sprites
- Building Sprites
- Other Idea (free comment)

--> Here is the link to the poll: https://s4vc0kmjj1h.typeform.com/to/UW3KyBL8

I will publish the results/statistics in few days/weeks

Thank you! :)


nadia911 -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/22/2021 9:09:20 PM)


KingHalford -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/22/2021 10:03:57 PM)


Bleek -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/23/2021 7:05:42 PM)

Can we vote for all of them?! [:D]

Pymous -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/23/2021 7:56:42 PM)

You can :p but you need to rank this list! :p
Thanks guys, Already 50 votes, and I must say I am quite surprised by the results! Very interesting :)

Overlord015 -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/24/2021 7:10:04 AM)

Keep up the good work Pymous, looking forward to any future stuff from you. I would love to see your take on new leader portraits, especially if made in a style similar to your stratagem card art.

mroyer -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/24/2021 10:50:40 AM)


I would love to see your take on new leader portraits, especially if made in a style similar to your stratagem card art.

While I use Pymous' strategem card artwork and think his abstracted, watercolor-like style is awesome for that purpose, I am dubious regarding it's use for leader imagery. I could be wrong (art once rendered can often change my mind), but I think I'd prefer facial images that look more realistic and less abstract. I literally get to know what my leaders look like and it helps my game play to be able to quickly recognize each of them in a list of pictures. I feel like the counter imagery falls into that same category.

Now... other game elements like the vidcom images and maybe even the game controls lends itself much better to a more abstracted picture rendering, in my opinion.

Regardless, I too look forward to whatever Pymous comes up with. Like the strategem cards, I'll bet it will be something very interesting.

-Mark R.

Pymous -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/24/2021 8:50:12 PM)

If I go for portraits modding, it will not necessary be "black silhouettes" like for the stratagems cards, because like you said, it won't carry any character/immersion/identification (even if it could be an interesting challenge :p)

So it would be more something like theses experiments I think :

Bleek -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/24/2021 9:19:47 PM)

I do like those, although for my taste I'd prefer less cartoon - more realistic.

Do share the results of the poll with us!

Pymous -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/25/2021 3:12:33 PM)

Yes of course I will share the results. But I don't want to have an influence on it by sharing some partial results too early :p

Jadey -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/28/2021 10:10:14 AM)

If you could pull off slicking up the unit sprites that would be legend. Has Akrakorn learned to mod it for you yet or must I bug him further?

mroyer -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/28/2021 12:13:52 PM)


If you could pull off slicking up the unit sprites that would be legend. Has Akrakorn learned to mod it for you yet or must I bug him further?

Unit sprites would be great, but I expect they will be very tricky. As far as I can tell, depending on the unit/model type, the game engine shifts and overlays various imagery on the fly. Making sure all of that is complete and aligns properly will be a project, I suspect. In addition, the unit sprites are used for other things like the model images.

It's worth a try, though, imo.

(For a while, I was trying to use them for a deeper NATO symbol mod and could never get it right.)

-Mark R.

eddieballgame -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (6/30/2021 5:14:34 PM)

Damn, I missed this. :(
Many more Leader portraits would be nice.

Pymous -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (7/2/2021 3:11:25 PM)

Hello guys,

I have updated the first page with current results, which are:

(After 100 votes):
1/ LEADERS PORTRAITS (#1.89 average)
2/ VIDCOM EVENTS SCREENS (#2.21 average)
3/ UI ELEMENTS(#2.8 average)

4/ UNITS SPRITES (#3.36 average)
5/ MAP TEXTURES (#3.96 average)
6/ BUILDING SPRITES (#4.22 average)


This ranking has not changed after around 50 votes, so I think it is probably somewhat relevant.
I was quite surprised because personally I though "Vidcom screens" would have finished #1 with a clear advance, but clearly "Leaders Portraits" seems something that players would love to see be improved.
UI Elements has a clear #3 place.

More detailed here : https://form.typeform.com/report/UW3KyBL8/732zISsTfHyHa41X

@eddieballgame: sorry, the poll is back online, I will maybe make a post on Steam about this too, so we can see if I have more feedback and if the ranking change or not

Daza99 -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (7/2/2021 11:33:19 PM)

I was hoping Vidcom screens would of got the top spot because these images are fairly large and new ones would add more immersion factor and we see them every turn. But new leader images would be good too.

If Leader images remains #1 will there be a poll on style? like you might have 3 different style examples? as someone else suggested i would prefer less cartoony and more realistic. The example images you have shared would be fine, i guess those are a mix of the two. No doubt what you go for here eventually, will impact the humans portrayed in the Vidcom screen images when you get to those, so the styles match with the leader images. So on that note doing the leader images first makes better sense.

I am not exactly sure how the leader images are done in the game? are the images layered to random type of hair, eyes, nose, mouth etc? if so it could mean there can be more variation added hopefully.

BlueTemplar -> RE: [Poll] Vote for Potential Pymous next Graphic Mod Project (7/3/2021 11:10:38 AM)


I was hoping Vidcom screens would of got the top spot because these images are fairly large and new ones would add more immersion factor and we see them every turn. But new leader images would be good too.

And more importantly, they're where the uncanny valley syndrome is at it's worst !

(And ShEmp doesn't have the lore excuse of MissionForce : CyberStorm for it...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5WkVZez8t0 )

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